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Daily Viennese newpaper, the full name of which was: Neues Wiener Journal: unparteiisches Tagblatt (New Viennese Journal: Independent Daily Paper). It was published 1893–1939. Elsa Bienenfeld wrote music reviews for it from c. 1906 to the late 1930s.

The Neues Wiener Journal and Schenker

Clippings of many articles and reviews from it are preserved in Schenker's scrapbook (OC 2), dating from 1902, 1903 (reviews of C. P. E. Bach edition; Beitrag), 1904, 1910 (review of Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue), 1911, 1925, 1931, 1932, 1935 (by Joseph Marx), and 1936; also in a separate clippings collection (OC C) dating between 1909 and 1932, many in the latter collection being on literary and theatrical topics.


  • Marko Deisinger

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