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Welfare organization for musicians planned in 1912 but never launched.

Emil Hertzka, Director of Universal Edition, was evidently invited to support the cause of the Organisation producirender und reproducirender Künstler "jointly with Dr. Harpner" (June 2, 1912), which Schenker and others tried to get off the ground in 1912. Others involved included the singer Eduard Gärtner, the pianists Leopold Godowsky, Moriz Rosenthal and Moriz Violin, and others at least being approached were the pianist Theodor Leschetitzky, Alfred Grünfeld, the conductor Bruno Walter, and the conductor/composer Eugen D'Albert. The Dr Harpner (Harper?) frequently named could perhaps be a lawyer?

In a letter to Schenker of November 10, 1912, Moriz Rosenthal wrote: “When we last saw each other, we were entrusted by Mr Hertzka of UE with drafting some paragraphs for the statutes of an organization of creative and performing artists.” Some indication of the purpose of the organization can be gained from his remark: "Such an alliance ( Bund ), which must of course be an alliance of 'upright persons', would certainly be the only possibility of creating healthy conditions (Federhofer, Nach Tagebüchern, pp.195-96). The planned organization perhaps concerned the conditions of work of the teaching staff at the Vienna Conservatory (Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst) as exposed in the pamphlet Die Zustände an der k. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst: Ein offenes Wort über die Leiter der Anstalt Herren v. Wiener und Bopp (Vienna: self-published, 1912) by Moriz Violin, and the latter’s resignation at that time.

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