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[printed:] Postkarte

[Absender:] Schenker
Wien, III
Keilgasse 8

[An:] H Prof.
M. Violin
Immenhof 27/I

[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | 25. IV. 27 13 | * [illeg] * ||


Fl! 1

Was hat denn dir gefehlt??

Wegen Frkf. muß ich eher durch Altmann gehen, der es leichter erfahren kann, als Kl. oder Dr Sim. In Erster Linie ist es ja eine Angelegenheit des Ministeriums. Kl. hat, wie er sagt, seine Pflicht getan u. ich glaube es ihm. Mehr zu leisten, ist er (fürchte ich) außerstande, da er zu wenig autoritative sich fühlt, was er dadurch ausdruckt, daß er Schn.b...s Eingreifen für entscheidender als alle anderen Wege hinstellt. Unter uns: Schnb. steht auch besser da; bleibt Dr Sim übrig u. da mag vielleicht etwas hapern (von Kl. zu ihm nämlich, was ja vorkommt.) Das Ergebnis von Altm. werde ich dir unumgänglich mitteilen.

Nun aber bitten wir um eine Zeile, wie es[corr] dir u. dem l. Karli geht.

Mit besten Grüßen
[signed:] H
an Euch allen von mir u. Lieliechen
25. 4. 27

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] Postcard

[sender:] Schenker
Vienna, III
Keilgasse 8

[to:] Prof.
M. Violin
Immenhof 27/I

[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | 25. IV. 27 13 | * [illeg] * ||


Fl! 1

So, what was wrong with you??

With regard to Frankfurt, I ought rather to approach Altmann, who will have an easier time learning things than Klenau or Dr. Simon. In the first instance, it is indeed a matter for the Ministry. Klenau tells me that he has played his part, and I believe him. He is not, I fear, in a position to do more, as he has too little sense of authority, something he expresses when he indicates Schnabel's intervention as more decisive than all other routes. Between the two of us: Schnabel is also in a better position [to help]; that leaves Dr Simon out, and there something may go amiss (from Klenau to him, in particular, as can easily happen). I'll let you know the result from Altmann as soon as possible.

Now, however, we ask you to drop us a line about how things are with you and dear little Karl.

With best greetings to all of you from me and Lie-Liechen,
[signed:] Heinrich
April 25, 1927

© Translation William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] Postkarte

[Absender:] Schenker
Wien, III
Keilgasse 8

[An:] H Prof.
M. Violin
Immenhof 27/I

[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | 25. IV. 27 13 | * [illeg] * ||


Fl! 1

Was hat denn dir gefehlt??

Wegen Frkf. muß ich eher durch Altmann gehen, der es leichter erfahren kann, als Kl. oder Dr Sim. In Erster Linie ist es ja eine Angelegenheit des Ministeriums. Kl. hat, wie er sagt, seine Pflicht getan u. ich glaube es ihm. Mehr zu leisten, ist er (fürchte ich) außerstande, da er zu wenig autoritative sich fühlt, was er dadurch ausdruckt, daß er Schn.b...s Eingreifen für entscheidender als alle anderen Wege hinstellt. Unter uns: Schnb. steht auch besser da; bleibt Dr Sim übrig u. da mag vielleicht etwas hapern (von Kl. zu ihm nämlich, was ja vorkommt.) Das Ergebnis von Altm. werde ich dir unumgänglich mitteilen.

Nun aber bitten wir um eine Zeile, wie es[corr] dir u. dem l. Karli geht.

Mit besten Grüßen
[signed:] H
an Euch allen von mir u. Lieliechen
25. 4. 27

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] Postcard

[sender:] Schenker
Vienna, III
Keilgasse 8

[to:] Prof.
M. Violin
Immenhof 27/I

[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | 25. IV. 27 13 | * [illeg] * ||


Fl! 1

So, what was wrong with you??

With regard to Frankfurt, I ought rather to approach Altmann, who will have an easier time learning things than Klenau or Dr. Simon. In the first instance, it is indeed a matter for the Ministry. Klenau tells me that he has played his part, and I believe him. He is not, I fear, in a position to do more, as he has too little sense of authority, something he expresses when he indicates Schnabel's intervention as more decisive than all other routes. Between the two of us: Schnabel is also in a better position [to help]; that leaves Dr Simon out, and there something may go amiss (from Klenau to him, in particular, as can easily happen). I'll let you know the result from Altmann as soon as possible.

Now, however, we ask you to drop us a line about how things are with you and dear little Karl.

With best greetings to all of you from me and Lie-Liechen,
[signed:] Heinrich
April 25, 1927

© Translation William Drabkin, 2013


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/9, p. 3058 (April 25, 1927): "An Fl. (K.): werde lieber Altmann wegen der Errichtung der Hochschule in Frankfurt fahren [recte fragen] ." ("To Floriz (postcard): I would prefer to question Altmann with regard to the establishment of the Hochschule in Frankfurt.")


printed postcard, holograph addresses recto, holograph message and signature verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2013-07-03
Last updated: 2013-07-03