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Market town, in the Tyrol in western Austria, 13 miles (20km) south of Innsbruck, and 8 miles (12km) north of the Brenner Pass and the Italian border. It is situated in the Wipp Valley on the banks of the Sill River, at the point at which the Gschnitz side valley branches off to the southwest, and it has a station on the Brenner Railway.

Schenker spent his summer vacations in Steinach am Brenner in 1907, when he described the town as having "an inclination toward parallelisms" (i.e. two of everything), and extolled the beauty of its Brennerstraße; and in 1909, when Jeanette Kornfeld joined him, and when he took a trip into Switzerland with Moriz Violin and Felix Pollak (diaries pp. 44‒46 and 102; CA 103, July 7; CA 104, August 30). While there, he visited local places of interest, such as Matrei am Brenner to the north, and Trins and Gschnitz in the Gschnitz Valley.


  • Marko Deisinger and Ian Bent

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