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OJ 9/6, [48] - Handwritten postcard from Eugen d'Albert to Schenker, postmarked February 21, 1908
⇧ Korrespondez-Karte An ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker. ⇧ in ⇧ Wien. III. Reisnerstr 38 [postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | 15 | 21.2.08 | 11–12 V || {verso} ⇧ Lieber Herr Doctor! 1 Möchten Sie Morgen – Samstag – 10½ der Generalprobe von „Tiefland“ beiwohnen? Bejahendenfalls bitte Morgen gegen 10½ Uhr mich im Hotel Sacher abzuholen. 2 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2021 |
⇧ Postcard To ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker ⇧ in ⇧ Vienna III Reisnerstraße 38 [postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | 15 | 21.2.08 | 11–12 A.M. || {verso} ⇧ Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1 Would you like to attend the dress rehearsal of Tiefland tomorrow – Saturday– at 10.30? If yes, please pick me up in the morning at Hotel Sacher at 10.30. 2 © Translation Ian Bent, 2021 |
⇧ Korrespondez-Karte An ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker. ⇧ in ⇧ Wien. III. Reisnerstr 38 [postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | 15 | 21.2.08 | 11–12 V || {verso} ⇧ Lieber Herr Doctor! 1 Möchten Sie Morgen – Samstag – 10½ der Generalprobe von „Tiefland“ beiwohnen? Bejahendenfalls bitte Morgen gegen 10½ Uhr mich im Hotel Sacher abzuholen. 2 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2021 |
⇧ Postcard To ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker ⇧ in ⇧ Vienna III Reisnerstraße 38 [postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | 15 | 21.2.08 | 11–12 A.M. || {verso} ⇧ Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1 Would you like to attend the dress rehearsal of Tiefland tomorrow – Saturday– at 10.30? If yes, please pick me up in the morning at Hotel Sacher at 10.30. 2 © Translation Ian Bent, 2021 |
Footnotes1 Schenker’s diary for February 21 records: “ Von d’Albert trifft die Einladung zur Generalprobe von „Tiefland“ ein.” (“I receive an invitation from d’Albert to the dress rehearsal of Tiefland.”). In its revised, and more successful form, Tiefland received its Vienna première at the Court Opera on February 25, 1908, with follow-up performances on the 26th and 29th, under Franz Schalk, after which it continued to be given until at least 1914. 2 Schenker attended. His diary for February 22 records: “Generalprobe. Vorherrschender Eindruck der Sicherheit in der Faktur, ein heutigentags sicher nicht hoch genug zu schätzender Faktor. Schreiben an d’Alb. ….” (“Dress rehearsal. Predominant impression of sure-footedness in the production, a factor which these days is certainly not sufficiently highly appreciated. I write letters to d'Albert ….”). — His diary for February 24 reads: “In's Frühstück bei Schalk mit Ehepaar d'Albert, Dr. Kassner, rp . u.s.w. von 2‒5h.” (“To breakfast at Schalk's place with the d'Albert couple, Dr. Kassner, Karpath, etc., from 2 to 5 o'clock.”), and that for February 25 includes: “Première von „Tiefland“ versäumt.” (“The première of Tiefland not attended.”). 3 Friday was February 20, 1908, thus the day this postcard was written. |
Digital version created: 2021-11-05 |