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OJ 9/4, [4] - Handwritten invitation, with typewritten envelope, from the Akademie für Musik to Schenker, undated [May 16?, 1911]
{recto} ⇧ AKADEMIE FÜR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST IN WIEN. † ⇧ Z. 641/D ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien, III. Keilg. 8 ⇧ Portfreie Dienstsache. [postmark:] || [illeg] | [illeg] | * 4a * || [invitation:] ⇧ K. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst. Einladung † [|] zur [|] Vortragsübung [|] der [|] k. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst 1 [|] im Saale des kaufmännischen Vereines, I. Johannesgasse 4. [|] am Mittwoch, den 17. Mai 1911, 7 † Uhr abends. Diese Einladung, welche für die eigene Person sowie auch für ein begleitendes Familienmitglied gilt, berechtigt zur Benützung der reservierten 2. und 3. Cercle-Reihe links. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2016 |
{recto} ⇧ ACADEMY FOR MUSIC AND PERFORMING ART IN VIENNA † ⇧ Z. 641/D ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8 ⇧ Postage free official business [postmark:] || [illeg] | [illeg] | * 4a * || [invitation:] ⇧ Imp.-Royal Academy for Music and Performing Art Invitation † [|] to the [|] Student concert [|] of the [|] Imp.-Royal Academy for Music and Performing Art 1 [|] in the hall of the Commercial Association, [Vienna] I, Johannesgasse 4 [|] on Wednesday, May 17, 1911, 7 † p.m. The invitation, which is valid for the invitee as well as for an accompanying family member, entitles [them] to use of the reserved 2d and 3d rows of the Circle left. © Translation Ian Bent, 2016 |
{recto} ⇧ AKADEMIE FÜR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST IN WIEN. † ⇧ Z. 641/D ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien, III. Keilg. 8 ⇧ Portfreie Dienstsache. [postmark:] || [illeg] | [illeg] | * 4a * || [invitation:] ⇧ K. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst. Einladung † [|] zur [|] Vortragsübung [|] der [|] k. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst 1 [|] im Saale des kaufmännischen Vereines, I. Johannesgasse 4. [|] am Mittwoch, den 17. Mai 1911, 7 † Uhr abends. Diese Einladung, welche für die eigene Person sowie auch für ein begleitendes Familienmitglied gilt, berechtigt zur Benützung der reservierten 2. und 3. Cercle-Reihe links. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2016 |
{recto} ⇧ ACADEMY FOR MUSIC AND PERFORMING ART IN VIENNA † ⇧ Z. 641/D ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8 ⇧ Postage free official business [postmark:] || [illeg] | [illeg] | * 4a * || [invitation:] ⇧ Imp.-Royal Academy for Music and Performing Art Invitation † [|] to the [|] Student concert [|] of the [|] Imp.-Royal Academy for Music and Performing Art 1 [|] in the hall of the Commercial Association, [Vienna] I, Johannesgasse 4 [|] on Wednesday, May 17, 1911, 7 † p.m. The invitation, which is valid for the invitee as well as for an accompanying family member, entitles [them] to use of the reserved 2d and 3d rows of the Circle left. © Translation Ian Bent, 2016 |
Footnotes1 See OJ 9/18, [5], May 16, 1911 for a personal letter of invitation from the Director, which indicates two of the items on the program. It is not impossible that the invitation was enclosed with the letter, hence that OJ 9/18, [5] and OJ 9/4, [4] might be considered a single item the two parts of which were subsequently separated and filed in different folders. |
Format† Double underlined |
Digital version created: 2016-12-02 |