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OJ 8/3, [50] - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Valerie Violin, dated November 16, 1917
[All in a decorated rule-frame] [Absender:] Dr H Schenker III., Reisnerstr. 38 [An:] Frau Prof Wally Violin XIII, Sechshauserstr. 126 [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | [illeg] | * 3a * || {verso} Liebe Frau Wally ! 1 Soeben erreicht mich eine Karte Fl.’s, die, trotzdem sie seine erste von dort ist, leider keine Adresse aufweist. „ Marb. Artilleriekas.“ wäre doch zu wenig, nicht? Haben Sie denn also die Güte, uns seine genaue Adresse anzugeben, u. bei dieser Gelegenheit wohl auch die Freundlichkeit uns zu sagen, wie es Ihnen u. den Kleinen geht? „Approvisionierung“, 2 früh, Ncht, Abd, zu allen Stunden derselbe Gedanke, dazu häusliche Arbeiten (Stofferhaltung!) u. die Reinschrift 3 lassen an einen Ausflug gar nicht denken. Und Sonntag muß gerecht werden, sonst geht die Wochenarbeit schief. Ein Paket aus Bielitz wurde uns gestohlen, ist das nicht gräßlich? Das muß uns passieren, die wegen Isoliertheit auf Bielitz so dringend angewiesen sind. 4 Indessen, Italien wird verhauen, das ist Hauptsache. Schreiben Sie bitte recht bald, damit ich ebensobald an Fl. schreiben kann. © Transcription Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2016 |
[All in a decorated rule-frame] [From:] Dr. H. Schenker [Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38 [To:] Mrs. Wally Violin [Vienna] XIII Sechshauserstraße 126 [postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 49 | [illeg] | * 3a * || {verso} Dear Wally, 1 A postcard from Floriz has just reached me, and, despite its being his first from there, it unfortunately gives no address. "Marb[urg] Artillery Bar[racks]" would surely be too little, wouldn't it? So would you be very kind and send us his full address, and at the same time be so good as to let us know how things are with you and the little ones? "Provisioning" 2 ‒ morning, afternoon and evening, day and night, the self-same thought, added to which domestic chores (getting in supplies!) and the fair copy 3 do not give any hope of a trip [to see you]. And we must do justice to Sunday, otherwise the week's work will go awry. A packet from Bielitz was stolen from us, isn't that dreadful? 4 That's just our luck, we who on account of our isolation depend so totally on Bielitz. In the meantime, Italy thrashed, that's the main thing. Please write as soon as possible so that I can write to Floriz promptly. © Translation Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2016 |
[All in a decorated rule-frame] [Absender:] Dr H Schenker III., Reisnerstr. 38 [An:] Frau Prof Wally Violin XIII, Sechshauserstr. 126 [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | [illeg] | * 3a * || {verso} Liebe Frau Wally ! 1 Soeben erreicht mich eine Karte Fl.’s, die, trotzdem sie seine erste von dort ist, leider keine Adresse aufweist. „ Marb. Artilleriekas.“ wäre doch zu wenig, nicht? Haben Sie denn also die Güte, uns seine genaue Adresse anzugeben, u. bei dieser Gelegenheit wohl auch die Freundlichkeit uns zu sagen, wie es Ihnen u. den Kleinen geht? „Approvisionierung“, 2 früh, Ncht, Abd, zu allen Stunden derselbe Gedanke, dazu häusliche Arbeiten (Stofferhaltung!) u. die Reinschrift 3 lassen an einen Ausflug gar nicht denken. Und Sonntag muß gerecht werden, sonst geht die Wochenarbeit schief. Ein Paket aus Bielitz wurde uns gestohlen, ist das nicht gräßlich? Das muß uns passieren, die wegen Isoliertheit auf Bielitz so dringend angewiesen sind. 4 Indessen, Italien wird verhauen, das ist Hauptsache. Schreiben Sie bitte recht bald, damit ich ebensobald an Fl. schreiben kann. © Transcription Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2016 |
[All in a decorated rule-frame] [From:] Dr. H. Schenker [Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38 [To:] Mrs. Wally Violin [Vienna] XIII Sechshauserstraße 126 [postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 49 | [illeg] | * 3a * || {verso} Dear Wally, 1 A postcard from Floriz has just reached me, and, despite its being his first from there, it unfortunately gives no address. "Marb[urg] Artillery Bar[racks]" would surely be too little, wouldn't it? So would you be very kind and send us his full address, and at the same time be so good as to let us know how things are with you and the little ones? "Provisioning" 2 ‒ morning, afternoon and evening, day and night, the self-same thought, added to which domestic chores (getting in supplies!) and the fair copy 3 do not give any hope of a trip [to see you]. And we must do justice to Sunday, otherwise the week's work will go awry. A packet from Bielitz was stolen from us, isn't that dreadful? 4 That's just our luck, we who on account of our isolation depend so totally on Bielitz. In the meantime, Italy thrashed, that's the main thing. Please write as soon as possible so that I can write to Floriz promptly. © Translation Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2016 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary, but is referred to in the recording of OJ 8/3, [51] in the November 23 entry. 2 This is an allusion to the missing postcard from Moriz Violin, eventually received by Schenker on November 16; Schenker's summary includes: "beschäftigt mit Approvisionierung" ("is occupied with supplying provisions"). 3 Presumably the fair copy for Kontrapunkt, second half-volume. 4 Schenker's sister, Sophie (Shifre) lived in Bielitz (Galicia) during World War I: parcels received from her are recorded frequently in his diary at this time with their contents. |
Digital version created: 2016-01-31 |