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Sbb B II 4413 Handwritten letter with envelope from Schenker to Busoni, dated May 18, 1897
Schenker reports that Karl Goldmark wrote him a glowing recommendation to Edition Peters on the strength of which he approached Peters, who expressed their regrets. He seeks Busoni's advice and help. Eugen d'Albert has undertaken to play something of his during the winter. He draws Busoni's attention to an article he has published.
Sbb B II 4416 Handwritten letter with envelope from Schenker to Busoni, dated September 4, 1897
Schenker admits that, contrary to the remarks in Busoni's previous letter, he has not yet approached Breitkopf & Härtel [with his compositions], out of fear of waiving the honorarium. -- he solicits Busoni for an article in Die Zukunft.
DLA 69.930/12 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated April 3‒4, 1924
In response to matters raised by Halm in two previous letters, Schenker discusses figuration, distinguishing between that which works only on the surface and that which arises out of the middle and background, drawing on primal intervals. He also concedes that he heard Bruckner improvising, and criticizes it adversely. He refers to Reger, and outlines plans for forthcoming volumes of Der Tonwille.