Documents associated with this date:
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LC ASC 27/45, [10] Handwritten postcard from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated July 7, 1939
Violin informs Schoenberg of his route from New York to California.
LC ASC 27/45, [11] Handwritten notecard from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated July 19, 1939
Violin thanks the Schoenbergs for their hospitality, and promises his c.v. shortly.
LC ASC 27/45, [12] Handwritten coverletter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated July 20, 1939
Covering letter or note to Violin's c.v. [LC ASC 27/45, [13], including list of names.
LC ASC 27/45, [13] Handwritten curriculum vitae from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, undated [July 20, 1939]
Violin's curriculum vitae.
LC ASC 27/45, [14] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated July 24, 1939
Violin tries to express his debt to Schoenberg for recent help. — He advises Schoenberg on how to transfer money at half the standard dollar-mark exchange rate.
LC ASC 7/50, [6] Typewritten letter (carbon copy) from Schoenberg to Moriz Violin, dated July 21, 1939
Schoenberg has written a letter of introduction and modified Violin's draft c.v., explains how he has done the latter, and advises Violin what to do with the materials. — He asks advice on how to get the best exchange rate for Mark/Dollar.
OJ 12/24, [11] Typewritten postcard from Kromer to Jeanette Schenker, dated July 22, 1939
Kromer apologizes for not having been in touch; Kromer's wife appends a note.
OJ 70/35, [6] Typewritten testimonial (carbon copy) from Schoenberg concerning Moriz Violin, dated July 21, 1939
Schoenberg letter of recommendation to "whom it may concern."