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  • Judas Maccabeus (oratorio)


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  • OJ 9/34, [16] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated March 26, 1929

    Cube is listening by radio to music being performed in Vienna. The two caricatures are his fellow composition teachers at Duisburg. Reports on his work at Cologne Conservatory: success with previous lectures, and forthcoming lecture series.

  • OJ 9/34, [42] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated October 4, 1934

    Quotes letter from Furtwängler in extenso touching on reasons for dismissal and articulating the importance of Schenker's theory; Cube describes the impact of this letter on his Director. The names of Schenker, Halm, and Kurth were deleted from a recent text of his, and censorship has been imposed. Describes his own recent activities. Outlines his geometric theory of the diatonic components of tonality. Encloses photograph of his wife and son; describes hardships. Denies rumors that he has cheated Moriz Violin, and refers to the resulting backlash on him: Violin has a "complex", feels downtrodden by everyone.
