OC 3/3: Oct 1914-Jun 1915 - Hans Weisse: lesson: June 8, 1915
© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2020 |
© Translation Ian Bent, 2020 |
© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2020 |
Footnotes1 Schenker's diary for Tuesday June 8 records: "Weisse misses his lesson for the first time, without cancelling, to make me clearly understand that he is reckoning the month to his own benefit. Thus the young man is adding a new laurel sprig of meanness to the previous ones. In September he came, knowing that I was here, ostensibly for a visit; in truth, however, he was asking for advice about this or that sonata. In the course of the teaching year he stormed in ahead of schedule, to ask either about his work or about something else, which he sought to resolve not within his lesson time but rather at the expense of my time. In the previous month he also asked for a rearrangement of his work program in that he would prefer to play on Tuesday rather than Wednesday only because – as he put it – he could 'spread out' more on Tuesday! And now, in June, he helped himself to two full hours in order simply to stay away afterwards. But he will get his punishment!" |
Format† Double underlined |