OC 3/2-3: Oct 1913-Jun 1914 - Marianne Kahn: lesson: Saturday October 11, 1913
11. Kahn † : Beethoven-Sonate Cism ; Chopin Berceuse u. Nocturne; Bach Dm Gavotte, Präludium u. Fuge Cm . Ausgezeichnet gespielt trotzdem noch beträchtlich viel Correkturen notwendig waren, gerade zu jenen Notizen hin, die sie schon verzeichnet, aber nicht zur Ausführung zu bringen gelernt hat. © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020 |
[October] 11, [1913] Kahn † : Beethoven Sonata in Cě minor; Chopin Berceuse and Nocturne; Bach D minor Gavotte, Prelude and Fugue in C minor. Excellently played, although a considerable number of corrections were still necessary, directly to those annotations that she has already made but has not learned to incorporate into her playing. © Translation Ian Bent, 2020 |
11. Kahn † : Beethoven-Sonate Cism ; Chopin Berceuse u. Nocturne; Bach Dm Gavotte, Präludium u. Fuge Cm . Ausgezeichnet gespielt trotzdem noch beträchtlich viel Correkturen notwendig waren, gerade zu jenen Notizen hin, die sie schon verzeichnet, aber nicht zur Ausführung zu bringen gelernt hat. © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020 |
[October] 11, [1913] Kahn † : Beethoven Sonata in Cě minor; Chopin Berceuse and Nocturne; Bach D minor Gavotte, Prelude and Fugue in C minor. Excellently played, although a considerable number of corrections were still necessary, directly to those annotations that she has already made but has not learned to incorporate into her playing. © Translation Ian Bent, 2020 |
Format† Double underlined |