29. Dezember 1925 +10°!
— Vormittags an op. 106; Fuge 1 fortgesetzt, Durchsicht meiner Galtürer Blätter. — Dr. Brünauer läßt den Aerozon 2 abholen. — Von Frl. Angela (Br. an Lie-Liechen): eine Musikkapelle 3 soll gegründet werden! — Von Vrieslander (Br.): unerfreuliche Verhältnisse, die Frau noch immer leidend, der Beruf des Jungen bedroht; er hole gerade zur Arbeit aus, die ihm umso schwerer fällt, als sie gründlichste sachliche Vorbereitung erfordert u. ihm die Feder nicht so leicht zu Gebote stehe wie Dahms. © Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
December 29, 1925 +10°!
— In the morning, on Op. 106; the fugue 1 continued, examination of the pages I wrote in Galtür. — Dr. Brünauer has the Aerozon 2 collected. — From Angela (letter to Lie-Liechen): a music ensemble 3 is to be founded! — From Vrieslander (letter): bad news concerning his situation, his wife is still always unwell, his son's position is under threat; he is preparing to start work, which he finds all the more difficult since it requires the most thorough factual preparation and writing does not come so easily to him as it does to Dahms. © Translation William Drabkin. |
29. Dezember 1925 +10°!
— Vormittags an op. 106; Fuge 1 fortgesetzt, Durchsicht meiner Galtürer Blätter. — Dr. Brünauer läßt den Aerozon 2 abholen. — Von Frl. Angela (Br. an Lie-Liechen): eine Musikkapelle 3 soll gegründet werden! — Von Vrieslander (Br.): unerfreuliche Verhältnisse, die Frau noch immer leidend, der Beruf des Jungen bedroht; er hole gerade zur Arbeit aus, die ihm umso schwerer fällt, als sie gründlichste sachliche Vorbereitung erfordert u. ihm die Feder nicht so leicht zu Gebote stehe wie Dahms. © Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
December 29, 1925 +10°!
— In the morning, on Op. 106; the fugue 1 continued, examination of the pages I wrote in Galtür. — Dr. Brünauer has the Aerozon 2 collected. — From Angela (letter to Lie-Liechen): a music ensemble 3 is to be founded! — From Vrieslander (letter): bad news concerning his situation, his wife is still always unwell, his son's position is under threat; he is preparing to start work, which he finds all the more difficult since it requires the most thorough factual preparation and writing does not come so easily to him as it does to Dahms. © Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 Schenker, "Das Organische der Fuge," Meisterwerk 2, pp. 55–95; Eng. transl., pp. 31–54. 2 Presumably an air-freshening product (e.g. a perfume lamp) made by the Aerozon company in Berlin. 3 This probably refers to the village of Galtür, where the Schenkers spent their summer holidays: the Türtscher family ran the Fluchthorn guesthouse in Galtür. |