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WSLB 80 - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated September [2]0, 1911
[All in a decorative rule-frame] [Absender:] ⇧ H Schenker III., Reisnerstr. 38 [An:] H Direktor Emil Hertzka I. Wipplingerstr. 32 „Universal-Edition“ [postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | 12 – [2]0. IX [illeg] | - 15 - || [postmark:] || WIEN TELEGRAPHENZENTRALSTATION | [?]0 IX 11 XII - | | {verso} ⇧ Sehr geehrter Herr Direktor! 1 Ich muß annehmen, daß Sie schon hier sind, u. so erbitte ich mir denn auf meine wiederholt in den letzten Briefen an Sie ergangene Anfrage bezüglich „ Bach ’s“ u. „ Beethoven ’s“ 2 endlich eine aufklärende Antwort bis 22ten d. M., d.i. bis übermorgen, widrigenfalls ich die Vorderhandlungen auch des vergangenen Jahres, die H. Dir. Bopp mit mir geführt hat, für gescheitert betrachte. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2020 |
[All in a decorative rule-frame] [From:] ⇧ H. Schenker [Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38 [To:] Director Emil Hertzka [Vienna] I, Wipplingerstraße 32 Universal Edition [postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | 12 – [2]0. IX [illeg] | - 15 - || [postmark:] || VIENNA TELEGRAPH CENTRAL STATION | [?]0 IX 11 XII - | | {verso} ⇧ Dear Director, 1 I must assume that you are already back, and so I beg you finally for a clarificatory answer to the question that I have put to you repeatedly in my recent letters regarding Bach and Beethoven 2 by the 22nd of the month, i.e., by the day after tomorrow, failing which I shall consider the preliminary dealings that Director Bopp has conducted with me during the past year to have foundered. © Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2020 |
[All in a decorative rule-frame] [Absender:] ⇧ H Schenker III., Reisnerstr. 38 [An:] H Direktor Emil Hertzka I. Wipplingerstr. 32 „Universal-Edition“ [postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | 12 – [2]0. IX [illeg] | - 15 - || [postmark:] || WIEN TELEGRAPHENZENTRALSTATION | [?]0 IX 11 XII - | | {verso} ⇧ Sehr geehrter Herr Direktor! 1 Ich muß annehmen, daß Sie schon hier sind, u. so erbitte ich mir denn auf meine wiederholt in den letzten Briefen an Sie ergangene Anfrage bezüglich „ Bach ’s“ u. „ Beethoven ’s“ 2 endlich eine aufklärende Antwort bis 22ten d. M., d.i. bis übermorgen, widrigenfalls ich die Vorderhandlungen auch des vergangenen Jahres, die H. Dir. Bopp mit mir geführt hat, für gescheitert betrachte. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2020 |
[All in a decorative rule-frame] [From:] ⇧ H. Schenker [Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38 [To:] Director Emil Hertzka [Vienna] I, Wipplingerstraße 32 Universal Edition [postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | 12 – [2]0. IX [illeg] | - 15 - || [postmark:] || VIENNA TELEGRAPH CENTRAL STATION | [?]0 IX 11 XII - | | {verso} ⇧ Dear Director, 1 I must assume that you are already back, and so I beg you finally for a clarificatory answer to the question that I have put to you repeatedly in my recent letters regarding Bach and Beethoven 2 by the 22nd of the month, i.e., by the day after tomorrow, failing which I shall consider the preliminary dealings that Director Bopp has conducted with me during the past year to have foundered. © Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2020 |
Footnotes1 WSLB 80 and 81 have been numbered by the library in the reverse chronological order because the first digit of the date of WSLB 80 has been removed by a hole-punch; the date of the 20th is, however, confirmed by internal evidence. 2 Reference is to the plan, first mooted by Hertzka at a meeting with Schenker on October 14, 1910, to publish the last five Beethoven sonatas and Part II of the Well-tempered Clavier (the latter a residue of an earlier plan dating from December 1908, which Schenker had declined) in alternate years; mentioned in OC 52/425 of the same day, and WSLB 68, October 21, 1910 (when Schenker had discussed it direct with Bopp). Recent letters include WSLB 75, May 17, 1911; WSLB 77, June 21; WSLB 78, July 23. The plan was, however, dependent on a subvention from the Austrian Ministry of Education that was never forthcoming. |
Digital version created: 2022-03-13 |