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Absender: Schenker
Wien, III Keilgasse 8

[An:] H Prof. M. Violin
Wien, V
Wehrgasse 11/14

[postmark:] [none]

[For continuation of recto, see below]

25. 10. 33

Fl! 1

Wie geht es dir, den l. Deinigen? Regt sich was?

Mit Empörung stelle ich fest, daß die Akad. schon bei etwa 6 (!!!) „Neu berufungen“ hält, daß unser Freund der Hofr. Kp elend gelogen hat: Cahier, Scholz, G. Steiner, Mildenbg, Hubermann usw. usw. – 2

Korng. u. Auernh. sind gegangen. Zuckerkandl in Berlin ebenfalls. 3

Unseres l. Wolf (unschuldsvolles) Raffen nach „Url.“ auch bei dir bitte ich nicht ernst zu nehmen, auch ich selbst {recto} pflege ich in solchen Fällen zu sagen: Non!, das muß ich genau sehen, alle Literatur kann ich aber nicht aufnehmen.


Viele Grüße Allen!
Von mir u. LieLiechen
[signed:] H

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2012


From: Schenker
Vienna III, Keilgasse 8

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
Vienna V
Wehrgasse 11/14

[postmark:] [none]

[For continuation of recto, see below]

October 25, 1933

Floriz, 1

How are things with you and with your dear family? Is anything afoot?

I am incensed to learn that the Academy has already made some six (!!!!) “new appointments,” that our friend, the Counselor Karpath, has lied wretchedly: Cahir, Scholz, G. Steiner, Mildenburg, Hubermann, etc., etc. 2

Korngold and Auernhammer have left. Zuckerkandl is likewise in Berlin. 3

Our dear Wolf’s (utterly innocent) grubbing after the Urlinie, even with you, is something that I ask you not to take seriously; I, too, {recto} am accustomed to saying in such cases: “No!” I must see this precisely; I cannot however, take up all the literature.


Many greetings to you all!
From LieLiechen and myself
[signed:] H.

© Translation William Drabkin, 2016


Absender: Schenker
Wien, III Keilgasse 8

[An:] H Prof. M. Violin
Wien, V
Wehrgasse 11/14

[postmark:] [none]

[For continuation of recto, see below]

25. 10. 33

Fl! 1

Wie geht es dir, den l. Deinigen? Regt sich was?

Mit Empörung stelle ich fest, daß die Akad. schon bei etwa 6 (!!!) „Neu berufungen“ hält, daß unser Freund der Hofr. Kp elend gelogen hat: Cahier, Scholz, G. Steiner, Mildenbg, Hubermann usw. usw. – 2

Korng. u. Auernh. sind gegangen. Zuckerkandl in Berlin ebenfalls. 3

Unseres l. Wolf (unschuldsvolles) Raffen nach „Url.“ auch bei dir bitte ich nicht ernst zu nehmen, auch ich selbst {recto} pflege ich in solchen Fällen zu sagen: Non!, das muß ich genau sehen, alle Literatur kann ich aber nicht aufnehmen.


Viele Grüße Allen!
Von mir u. LieLiechen
[signed:] H

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2012


From: Schenker
Vienna III, Keilgasse 8

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
Vienna V
Wehrgasse 11/14

[postmark:] [none]

[For continuation of recto, see below]

October 25, 1933

Floriz, 1

How are things with you and with your dear family? Is anything afoot?

I am incensed to learn that the Academy has already made some six (!!!!) “new appointments,” that our friend, the Counselor Karpath, has lied wretchedly: Cahir, Scholz, G. Steiner, Mildenburg, Hubermann, etc., etc. 2

Korngold and Auernhammer have left. Zuckerkandl is likewise in Berlin. 3

Our dear Wolf’s (utterly innocent) grubbing after the Urlinie, even with you, is something that I ask you not to take seriously; I, too, {recto} am accustomed to saying in such cases: “No!” I must see this precisely; I cannot however, take up all the literature.


Many greetings to you all!
From LieLiechen and myself
[signed:] H.

© Translation William Drabkin, 2016


1 Writing of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary for October 26, 1933: “An Floriz (K.): über Wolf.” (“To Floriz (postcard): concerning Wolf.”).

2 At the Akademie, according to Ernst Tittel, Die Musik Hochschule (Vienna: Lafite, 1967), Sascha Cahier taught the vocal masterclass 1927–38, Arthur Johannes Scholz theory 1941–45(?), Georg Steiner violin 1933–39, Anna Bahr-Mildenburg drama 1942–44(?), Bronislaw Hubermann violin 1934–36.

3 At the Akademie, Erich Wolfgang Korngold taught opera 1930–31. Viktor Zuckerkandl had worked as a music critic in Berlin 1927–33, then taught briefly at the Akademie (not listed in Tittel). — At this point, Schenker inserts an emdash and continues without paragraph-break.


Printed postcard: holograph sender and recipient addresses, message continuation, valediction, and signature, recto; holograph salutation and message beginning, verso
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2022-02-11
Last updated: 2013-07-03