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FRANKFURT A. M. 23. Okt. 1913.

Hochwohlgeboren Herrn Dr. HEINRICH SCHENKER

Sehr geehrter Herr! 1

Von einer Reise hierher zurückgekehrt finde ich Ihre werten Zeilen vom 29. pto. vor. 2

Von Beethoven-Manuscripten besitze ich die folgenden Piecen: 1.) Ouverture zu „Egmont”, Titelblatt und zahlreiche Correcturen und Bemerkungen von Beethovens Hand. 3

2.) Sonate in As-dur op. 110 , 3ter und 4ter Satz 4

3.) Skizzenbuch aus den Jahren 1815 und 1816 5 52 Seiten;
enthaltend: Noten und Skizzen zur Sonate für Piano und Cello, op. 102
[enthaltend] Liederkreis op. 98, op. 101 etc.

4.) irische Lieder, 22 Seiten: Quartett für 2 Violinen, Cello und Pianoforte. 6

{2} 5.) schottische Lieder, 2 Violinen, Cello und Pianoforte, 24 Seiten op108 7 [.]

Wenn Sie die Sachen interessiren, so stelle ich Ihnen solche gerne hier zur Verfügung.

Mit vorzüglichster Hochachtung!
[signed:] Louis Koch

© Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2014

FRANKFURT AM MAIN October 23, 1913


Dear Sir, 1

Having returned here from a trip, I find your valued lines of the 29th inst. 2

I possess the following manuscript items of Beethoven: 1. Overture to "Egmont", title-page and extensive corrections and annotations in Beethoven's hand. 3

2. Sonata in Aę major, Op. 110 , 3rd and 4th movement 4

3. Sketchbook from the years 1815 and 1816 5 , 52 pages;
containing: notes and sketches for the Sonata for piano and cello, Op. 102 [No. 2]
[containing] Liederkreis, Op. 98, Op. 101, etc.

4. Irish Songs, 22 pages: Quartet for 2 violins, cello and pianoforte 6

{2} 5. Scottish Songs, 2 violins, cello and pianoforte, 24 pages, Op. 108. 7

If these things are of interest to you, I will gladly put them at your disposal here.

With kindest regards!
[signed:] Louis Koch

© Translation Nicholas Marston, 2014

FRANKFURT A. M. 23. Okt. 1913.

Hochwohlgeboren Herrn Dr. HEINRICH SCHENKER

Sehr geehrter Herr! 1

Von einer Reise hierher zurückgekehrt finde ich Ihre werten Zeilen vom 29. pto. vor. 2

Von Beethoven-Manuscripten besitze ich die folgenden Piecen: 1.) Ouverture zu „Egmont”, Titelblatt und zahlreiche Correcturen und Bemerkungen von Beethovens Hand. 3

2.) Sonate in As-dur op. 110 , 3ter und 4ter Satz 4

3.) Skizzenbuch aus den Jahren 1815 und 1816 5 52 Seiten;
enthaltend: Noten und Skizzen zur Sonate für Piano und Cello, op. 102
[enthaltend] Liederkreis op. 98, op. 101 etc.

4.) irische Lieder, 22 Seiten: Quartett für 2 Violinen, Cello und Pianoforte. 6

{2} 5.) schottische Lieder, 2 Violinen, Cello und Pianoforte, 24 Seiten op108 7 [.]

Wenn Sie die Sachen interessiren, so stelle ich Ihnen solche gerne hier zur Verfügung.

Mit vorzüglichster Hochachtung!
[signed:] Louis Koch

© Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2014

FRANKFURT AM MAIN October 23, 1913


Dear Sir, 1

Having returned here from a trip, I find your valued lines of the 29th inst. 2

I possess the following manuscript items of Beethoven: 1. Overture to "Egmont", title-page and extensive corrections and annotations in Beethoven's hand. 3

2. Sonata in Aę major, Op. 110 , 3rd and 4th movement 4

3. Sketchbook from the years 1815 and 1816 5 , 52 pages;
containing: notes and sketches for the Sonata for piano and cello, Op. 102 [No. 2]
[containing] Liederkreis, Op. 98, Op. 101, etc.

4. Irish Songs, 22 pages: Quartet for 2 violins, cello and pianoforte 6

{2} 5. Scottish Songs, 2 violins, cello and pianoforte, 24 pages, Op. 108. 7

If these things are of interest to you, I will gladly put them at your disposal here.

With kindest regards!
[signed:] Louis Koch

© Translation Nicholas Marston, 2014


1 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 1/13, p. 454, October 25, 1913: "Von Herrn Koch, Frankfurt a/M, Brief mit Aufzählung der Manuskripte. Ein sehr liebenswürdiger Zug, der in Wien sicher nicht angetroffen anzutreffen würde wäre ! Er versprach die Antwort für Ende des Monats u. ohne neuen Urgieren hielt er Wort!" ("Letter from Mr Koch, Frankfurt am Main, with a list of the manuscripts. A very kind trait, certainly not to be encountered in Vienna! He promised the answer at the end of the month and kept his word without renewed demand!")

2 This letter to Koch is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 1/13, p. 431, September 29, 1913: "Anfrage an Juwelier Koch wegen der Autographe." ("Enquiry to the jeweller Koch about the autograph manuscripts.") The letter is not known to survive.

3 This manuscript, principally in the hand of two copyists, is now Bonn, Beethovenhaus, NE 64, and contains the entire incidental music for "Egmont", not merely the Overture.

4 "op. 110 ... Satz" ("Op. 110 ... movement") underlined by Schenker and cross marked in left margin, all in pencil. This manuscript is now Bonn, Beethovenhaus, BMh 2/42.

5 This is the "Scheide" Sketchbook, today in the library of William Scheide, Princeton University, New Jersey. Koch's figure of 52 leaves is inaccurate: see Douglas Johnson, Alan Tyson, and Robert Winter, The Beethoven Sketchbooks: History, Reconstruction, Inventory, ed. Douglas Johnson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985), p. 241, where the correct figure of "56 (or 551/4) leaves" is given.

6 This manuscript, presently in the private collection of William Zachs (UK), contains six folksong settings of various nationalities: Op. 108, No. 24 (Scottish), WoO 153, No. 32 (Irish), WoO 155, No. 25 (Welsh), and WoO 156, Nos 3–4 (Scottish). The instrumental setting is for piano trio. See Ludwig van Beethoven: Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis, ed. Kurt Dorfmüller, Norbert Gertsch, and Julia Ronge, 2 vols (Munich: Henle, 2014), I, 690 (no. 12); II, 404 (no. 3), 426 (no. 6), 440 (no. 4).

7 This manuscript, containing Op. 108, Nos 5, 6, 7, 10, and 19, is now divided between New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Cary Collection 275 (nos 5, 10, and 19) and a private collection (nos 6–7). According to Ludwig van Beethoven: Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis, ed. Kurt Dorfmüller, Norbert Gertsch, and Julia Ronge, 2 vols (Munich: Henle, 2014), I, 689 (nos 6–7), the manuscripts comprise respectively six and five leaves: thus, 22 rather than 24 pages. The instrumental setting of Op. 108 is for solo violin (or flute), cello, and piano.


Rights Holder
Heirs of Louis Koch; deemed to be in the public domain
Deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence (at) mus (dot) cam (dot) uk
2p letter, Bogen format, printed sender’s address, typed date, recipient’s address, salutations and message, holograph signature
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2015-02-12
Last updated: 2012-09-26