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OC 18/40 - Handwritten picture postcard from Karpath to Schenker, undated, postmarked October 13, 1931
[all in a decorated rule-frame] ⇧ Postkarte [picture, with caption: Admont, Steiermark] ⇧ HOFRAT LUDWIG KARPATH WIEN IV., PRINZ EUGEN-STRASSE Nr. 16 TELEPHON: U-49-0-61 [An:] ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || 4 WIEN 50 | 13.X.31. 1 | * 4g * || L. F. 1 Bitte entweder anzurufen – zwischen 10–11 oder 4–5 – oder an irgendeinem Tag gegen 11 oder gegen 5 mich zu besuchen. © Transcription Martin Eybl, 2013 |
[all in a decorated rule-frame] ⇧ Postcard [picture, with caption: Admont, Styria] ⇧ COURT COUNSELOR LUDWIG KARPATH VIENNA IV PRINZ EUGEN-STRASSE 16 TELEPHONE: U-49-0-61 [To:] ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || 4 VIENNA 50 | 13.X.31. 1 | * 4g * || Dear Friend, 1 Please either telephone me ‒ between 10 and 11 or 4 and 5 ‒ or come and call on me any day around 11 or around 5. © Translation Ian Bent, 2016 |
[all in a decorated rule-frame] ⇧ Postkarte [picture, with caption: Admont, Steiermark] ⇧ HOFRAT LUDWIG KARPATH WIEN IV., PRINZ EUGEN-STRASSE Nr. 16 TELEPHON: U-49-0-61 [An:] ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || 4 WIEN 50 | 13.X.31. 1 | * 4g * || L. F. 1 Bitte entweder anzurufen – zwischen 10–11 oder 4–5 – oder an irgendeinem Tag gegen 11 oder gegen 5 mich zu besuchen. © Transcription Martin Eybl, 2013 |
[all in a decorated rule-frame] ⇧ Postcard [picture, with caption: Admont, Styria] ⇧ COURT COUNSELOR LUDWIG KARPATH VIENNA IV PRINZ EUGEN-STRASSE 16 TELEPHONE: U-49-0-61 [To:] ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || 4 VIENNA 50 | 13.X.31. 1 | * 4g * || Dear Friend, 1 Please either telephone me ‒ between 10 and 11 or 4 and 5 ‒ or come and call on me any day around 11 or around 5. © Translation Ian Bent, 2016 |
Footnotes1 Schenker's diary for October 13, 1931 (OJ 4/5, p. 3669) has two pertinent entries: "An Karpath (Br. expreß): bitte ihn in Violins Angelegenheit um eine Audienz." [...] — Von Karpath (Br.): bestimmt die Stunde." ("To Karpath (express letter): I ask for an audience with him concerning Violin's matter. [...] — From Karpath (letter): determines the time [of the meeting]."). The meeting is reported the following day (p. 3670): "Bei Karpath: verspricht Hilfe durch Wiener ‒ seine Hofrat-Eitelkeit war durch die Bemerkung Deutsch’, namentlich die des Dr. Thomasberger gereizt." (At Karpath's: he promises help, via Wiener ‒ his Counselor vanity was aroused by Deutsch's observation, in particular that concerning Dr. Thomasberger."). On October 10, Moriz Violin had petitioned for the title of "Professor" for himself, for which his citizenship was thought to be an issue. Schenker had discussed the matter with Otto Erich Deutsch on the 12th. Deutsch had also suggested that Anthony van Hoboken be recommended for a state honor. |
Digital version created: 2016-06-16 |