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Herrn M. Violin
XIX. Grinzinger Allee 40

30. VII. 1938

[typed subsequently:]
Herrn Hans Nachod 1
Salesianergasse 7

Herrn Karl Grünwald 2
VII. Mariahilferstrasse 47. V. Stiege, 5. Stock

Lieber Freund, 3

Ich möchte Ihnen nur in Eile mitteilen, dass sich die Möglichkeit zeigt, für Sie in etwa 2‒3 Wochen ein Affidavit zu versorgen. Ich muss zuerst einen gewissen Gegendienst leisten, ehe ich darum ersuchen kann, werde aber sofort von mir hören lassen. 4

Sollten Sie in der Zwischenzeit aber anderweitig ein Affidavit bekommen haben, so bitte ich Sie, mich sofort zu verständigen. Es sind so viele Anforderungen an sich gerichtet, dass ich ein fre[i]es immer für andere brauchen kann.

Bitte haben Sie also ein bischen Geduld und schreiben Sie mir umgehend die genauen Daten noch einmal

Viele herzlichste Grüsse, Ihr

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2020

Mr. M. Violin
Vienna XIX
Grinzinger Allee 40

July 30, 1938

[typed subsequently:]
Mr. Hans Nachod 1
Salesianergasse 7

Mr. Karl Grünwald 2
Vienna VII
Mariahilferstrasse 47, 5th staircase, 5th storey

Dear Friend, 3

I would like just to tell you, in haste, that there is a possibility of obtaining an affidavit for you in about two to three weeks. I must first do a favor in return before I can make a request about this, but you will hear from me immediately. 4

If, however, you have in the meantime received an affidavit by another route, please inform me straight away. I have received so many appeals that I can always use a free [affidavit] for someone else.

Please, then, have a little patience, and write to me immediately, giving the precise information once more.

Most cordial greetings, Your

© Translation William Drabkin, 2020

Herrn M. Violin
XIX. Grinzinger Allee 40

30. VII. 1938

[typed subsequently:]
Herrn Hans Nachod 1
Salesianergasse 7

Herrn Karl Grünwald 2
VII. Mariahilferstrasse 47. V. Stiege, 5. Stock

Lieber Freund, 3

Ich möchte Ihnen nur in Eile mitteilen, dass sich die Möglichkeit zeigt, für Sie in etwa 2‒3 Wochen ein Affidavit zu versorgen. Ich muss zuerst einen gewissen Gegendienst leisten, ehe ich darum ersuchen kann, werde aber sofort von mir hören lassen. 4

Sollten Sie in der Zwischenzeit aber anderweitig ein Affidavit bekommen haben, so bitte ich Sie, mich sofort zu verständigen. Es sind so viele Anforderungen an sich gerichtet, dass ich ein fre[i]es immer für andere brauchen kann.

Bitte haben Sie also ein bischen Geduld und schreiben Sie mir umgehend die genauen Daten noch einmal

Viele herzlichste Grüsse, Ihr

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2020

Mr. M. Violin
Vienna XIX
Grinzinger Allee 40

July 30, 1938

[typed subsequently:]
Mr. Hans Nachod 1
Salesianergasse 7

Mr. Karl Grünwald 2
Vienna VII
Mariahilferstrasse 47, 5th staircase, 5th storey

Dear Friend, 3

I would like just to tell you, in haste, that there is a possibility of obtaining an affidavit for you in about two to three weeks. I must first do a favor in return before I can make a request about this, but you will hear from me immediately. 4

If, however, you have in the meantime received an affidavit by another route, please inform me straight away. I have received so many appeals that I can always use a free [affidavit] for someone else.

Please, then, have a little patience, and write to me immediately, giving the precise information once more.

Most cordial greetings, Your

© Translation William Drabkin, 2020


1 Hans Nachod (born Vienna, 1883; died London, 1965) was Schoenberg's cousin, a tenor for whom Schoenberg wrote the role of Waldemar in his Gurre-Lieder (1900–03). Nachod escaped to England in 1939, where he was interned in the Isle of Man for five months in 1940. The affidavit application was unsuccessful and he was unable to emigrate to the USA.

2 Karl Grünwald (1887–1964), born in Vienna, Grünwald was a collector of contemporary art and patron of artists, notably of Egon Schiele, who painted a portrait of him, also of Arnold Schoenberg, several of whose paintings he acquired. After the annexation of Austria in 1938 his house and art collection were expropriated. He succeeded in emigrating to the USA, and became an American citizen in 1944.

3 The whereabouts of the final, signed copy of this letter is unknown; it is not preserved in the series OJ 70/35. It would appear that Schoenberg was handling the affidavit applications of three people simultaneously, that he typed this letter (the text of which is not personalized) to each of the three recipients but retained a carbon copy only of one (Violin), typing the names and addresses of the two other recipients in the space between date and salutation.

4 Schenker did not ultimately hear from Schoenberg on this matter until receipt of OJ 70/35, [5], dated December 23, 1938.


1p letter, carbon copy, typewritten recipient address, salutation, message, and valediction (unsigned) + two top-copy typewritten addresses
Rights Holder
Heirs of Arnold Schoenberg, reproduced here with kind permission
Permission to publish granted by author's son, Mr. Lawrence Schoenberg, July 16, 2013. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, schenkercorrespondence@mus[dot]cam[dot]ac[dot]uk.
Arnold Schoenberg (document date–1951) -- family of Arnold Schoenberg (1951–19??) -- Library of Congress (19??–)

Digital version created: 2020-08-23
Last updated: 2013-07-01