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Town in Lower Austria, c. 14 km (c. 9 miles) south of central Vienna.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Mödling was a separate town in Lower Austria. It was there, in an apartment at Bernhardgasse 6, that Arnold Schoenberg lived from April 1918 to October 1925, during which time he not only gave lessons and taught classes there but also conceived and developed his twelve-tone method of composition and wrote his first works with that method. The Society for Private Musical Performances was based in Mödling. The Bernhardgasse house is now a museum, under the administration of the Arnold Schönberg Center Private Foundation.

In 1938, after the annexation of Austria, Mödling was incorporated into Vienna as its 24th district. In 1954 it reverted to being a separate municipality in Lower Austria.


  • Ian Bent

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