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Street in the 6th district of Vienna (Mariahilf), extending from Mariahilferstraße at the north end to just short of the Linke Wienzeile at the south end.

The street was named after Anton Stumper (1740–1814), who released the land for the street to be built in 1811.

Eduard Violin, Moriz Violin's brother, had his medical practice at No. 65, close to the junction with Mariahilferstraße and near to the West Bahnhof (OJ 14/45, [109]).

Fanny Violin gave Stumpergasse 65 as her address in 1922 (OJ 14/46, [1]), though whether she lived with her brother or was merely staying there at the time is unclear.


  • Marko Deisinger and Ian Bent

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