OJ 12/21, [1] Handwritten letter from Carl Krebs to Schenker, dated August 30, 1912
Krebs is unable to give Schenker information as to the whereabouts of the
autograph manuscript of Beethoven's Piano Sonata in E major, Op. 109
OJ 10/1, [67] Handwritten postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated October 12, 1921
Dahms reports on his Italian sojourn and work.
OJ 10/1, [68] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated November 22, 1921
Rome has been overtaken by commerce. — [material missing] — Berlin regards Dahms
as stuck in the past.
OJ 6/7, [2] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated January 29, 1922
Schenker offers to lend Violin his performing materials for two keyboard
concertos by C. P. E. Bach. He inquires about musical life in Hamburg, reports on his most
recent work, continues to despair of his financial situation.
OJ 10/1, [70] Handwritten postcard from Margarete and Walter Dahms to Schenker, dated June 19,
The Dahmses sent birthday greetings and report on their life in
OJ 10/1, [78] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated August 23, 1923
Dahms has received Tonwille 4 but not yet examined it. — Has deferred work on
his Haydn book because of financial problems over Musik des Südens and poor take-up of
subscriptions. — Debates whether to attend the Leipzig musicology conference. — Comments on
German politics as the occupation of the Ruhr unfolds, and compares German attitudes with
OJ 10/1, [84] Typewritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated March 5, 1924
Dahms thanks Schenker for information about Castiglione. The Deutsche
Verlagsanstalt is being difficult. He is again writing for German newspapers. Tonwille 5 has
excited him. He quotes a passage from the Musical Courier [which Schenker later quotes in
Das Meisterwerk 1]. Ludendorff's exposure of intrigues by the papacy has evoked a strong
reaction outside Germany.
OJ 10/1, [85] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated June 18, 1924
The Dahmses send birthday greetings. They are staying in the Abruzzi; will not
get to Galtür; Dahms will visit Germany. He has read Tonwille 6 and 7 with interest.
OJ 10/1, [86] Handwritten postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated November 8, 1924
Dahms visited Germany for two weeks; invites the Schenkers to visit him in
OJ 10/1, [87] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated February 26, 1925
Dahms reports on the Vrieslanders' Italian travels; compares Hertzka
unfavorably to Drei Masken Verlag; He plans to sue Hertzka; comments on Bekker and Korngold.
OJ 10/1, [89] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, undated [c. April 29, 1925]
Dahms has found a rental cottage in rural Pallanza, and invites the Schenkers
to visit. — Hindenburg's election as German President has given a "jolt" to Europe and
pleased Mussolini; it should produce shrewd politics, but he doubts whether Hindenburg will
be able to lift Germany out of mediocrity.
OJ 11/54, [8] Handwritten letter from Hoboken to Schenker, dated August 22, 1926
Hoboken will probably not now visit Schenker in Galtür; explains his and his
wife's departure from Munich and their subsequent travels to Bern, Naples, and Capri, and
reports that his house in Vienna should be ready for occupancy on October 1. — Vrieslander and
he are considering founding a music journal, and wish to discuss the idea with Schenker.
OJ 89/3, [10] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated September 18, 1929
Schenker acknowledges check; — comments on Hoboken's work on a Chopin Etude; —
discusses an approach by Vrieslander; — explains how the possibility of a professorship at
Heidelberg had come about.
WSLB-Hds 191.568 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated August 23, 1930
Schenker is sending Deutsch copies of letters written by Leo Kestenberg
praising his theories for their practical application to composition and
performance, noting that Furtwängler is championing his cause everywhere. -- He then
launches into a tirade against the city of Vienna for snubbing him and his