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Member of the Fried family who married into part of the Mendl family close to Schenker.


Emilie "Milly" was the daughter of Tobias Fried (1842-1921) and Anna Mendl (1853-1931), Anna Mendl being the youngest sister of Heinrich Mendl, Sofie Mendl (Deutsch), Ernestine Mendl (Figdor), and Fritz Mendl.

Emilie married her uncle, Fritz Mendl, c. 1896. The couple had five children. Nothing more is currently known of her life.

Emilie "Milly" Mendl and Schenker

That the two knew each other is confirmed by two Schenker diary entries of 1916: a note left for Schenker on November 26 seemingly wishing to discuss prospective lessons for herself (but perhaps for one of her children?) with him, and a coffee-house encounter on December 24.

No correspondence is known to have existed between them, other than the note, which does not survive.


  • Ian Bent