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Viennese pianist and teacher of keyboard and music theory.

Heinrich von Bocklet was the son of Karl Maria von Bocklet (1801‒81) and a pupil of Franz Krenn. He taught organ, piano, and theory at several imperial-royal teaching institutions. He also directed the Private School for Four-handed Piano Playing, which his father had founded. His private address in 1906 was Vienna I, Lothringerstraße 3.

Bocklet and Schenker

On November 5, 1906, Bocklet recommended Schenker to take on as a pupil Mrs. Stirling, who appears in Schenker's first lessonbook for 1912‒13 and therefore may have taken lessons from him spanning 1907 to 1913. No further contact between the two men is known, and no correspondence survives.


  • Musikbuch Oesterreich 1906, ed. Richard Heuberger, p. 109
  • Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon online ("Bocklet, Familie") (Andrea Harrandt)


  • Ian Bent

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