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Younger daughter of Hans Weisse and Hertha Weisse. See Weisse family.

She emigrated to the United States with the Weisse family in September 1931 and remained there.


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  • OJ 15/16, [63] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated March 3, 1930

    Weisse has delayed in replying to Schenker's recent letter because he has been corrected copies of his Clarinet Quintet and Octet, which he will submit to the City of Vienna Prize competition. He asks Schenker to help publicize the first performance of the Octet, at the small auditorium of the Musikverein, and asks for the addresses of Angi Elias and Marianne Kahn so that he can send them personal invitations. His wife is about to give birth to a second child, and he hopes that Schenker's personal doctor Julius Halberstam might also be interested in hearing the Octet.

  • OJ 15/16, [69] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated March 19, 1931

    Weisse asks Schenker’s approval to approach Furtwängler about Der freie Satz, presumably to seek financial assistance for its publication. He has been given a copy of a letter from Mozart to Baron van Swieten, but expresses his doubts about the tone of one of Mozart’s phrases; he hopes to meet Schenker soon, to talk about Bruckner.

  • OJ 15/16, [81] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated September 5, 1931

    Weisse outlines his travel plans before leaving for America. He has accepted an invitation from Moriz Violin to give a lecture in Hamburg on September 16, the day before he sets sail.

  • OJ 15/16, [98] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated May 26, 1935

    Weisse outlines a plan to give Jeanette financial support in the form of a collection from his most dedicated pupils, equivalent to 200 Austrian shillings per month, for a year, and encloses the first of three planned annual payments. — He inquires whether Schenker's notes on C. P. E. Bach’s Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments might be included in an Afterword to a projected English translation. — He plans an exposition of Schenkerian theory for use in schools, for which he needs to receive a copy of Der freie Satz. — He thanks Jeanette for mementos of her husband, and says a few words about his family and their summer plans.

  • OJ 15/16, [99] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated July 14, 1935

    Weisse thanks Jeanette Schenker for her letter and copy of Der freie Satz which he has read through and is about to study carefully. His initial impressions are that its conception and content are impressive, but that there are a lot of misprints; and he regrets that the foreword does not mention the financial help Schenker received from [Paul] Khuner. He approves Jeanette's idea of depositing Schenker's Nachlass in the Photogramm-Archiv in the Austrian National Library.

  • OJ 15/16, [100] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated September 18, 1935

    Weisse thanks Jeanette for sending a photograph of her late husband’s death-mask, and other photographs. — He offers her advice about what to do with Heinrich's library of books, and with his sketches and other unpublished analyses. The bulk of the letter is a critique of Der freie Satz, about which he has serious misgivings, partly concerning the title and subtitle, partly concerning its status as a textbook (Lehrbuch).