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Hotel proprietor in Galtür, in the Austrian Tyrol.

Biographical summary

Born Berta Kathrein, she was the daughter of a schoolteacher. In 1925 she married Franz Türtscher, with whom she took over the Gasthaus Rössle in 1926. The couple had several children. Her husband met with a fatal accident in 1963, but she lived on into her 90s.


  • Walter Köck, Paznaun. Stürmisch bis heiter. Allerlei aus dem Paznaun (Galtür 1997), pp. 252 and 254–255.
  • Walter Köck, 80 Jahre im Paznaun. Zeit zu lachen, Zeit zu weinen, Zeit zu sammeln (Galtür 2003), pp. 173–175.


  • Marko Deisinger