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Younger brother of Jeanette Schenker (née Schiff; Kornfeld), thus from 1919 brother-in-law to Heinrich Schenker. His wife was Anna; the couple had a daughter, Lisl.

An entry in Schenker's diary for March 24, 1925 (OJ 3/7, p. 2801) gives insight into his state of mind at that time: A long letter from Paul's wife; Paul is currently doing a jail penalty because of a riotous speech. His poor wife is far from comprehending the gravity of the situation, from understanding that Paul is apparently traveling a precipitous path, since a feeling of revenge against the state will inevitably overcome him, which will lead him to further conflict. His wife describes herself and their child as Paul's "earthly weight" but him as a "martyr." Everything underscores the pitiable woman's confusion, as the result of confused fundamental views.

Correspondence with the Schenkers

Correspondence between the Schenkers and the Schiffs survives as OJ 14/8 (9 items: 1925-38).


  • Marko Deisinger

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