Baronesse Emma Fischer
born Vienna, May 2, 1876; died Feb 12, 1964
Documents associated with this person:
Viennese pianist, teacher, and composer.
Career Summary
Emma Gabriele Marie Freiin von Fischer studied piano with Emma Klenner and Julius Epstein (Schenker's teacher), theory with Cyrill Wolf and Robert Fuchs, concert pianist from 1895, taught piano and theory privately in Vienna from 1907. She was secretary to and honorary member of the Österreichischer Musikpädagogenverband (Austrian Association of Music Teachers), and also a composer (of piano music, a piano concerto, and chamber music).
Fischer and Schenker
In 1929, Baroness Fischer gave advice to Schenker regarding Gerhard Albersheim.
Schenker first describes her, when she visited his home on January 9, 1921, as "a strangely naive old unmarried lady, who makes no bones about charging her pupils, male and female, exorbitantly, because she 'can nonetheless put a little money aside'."
Correspondence with Schenker
Three letters from Emma Fischer to Schenker dating from 1923 and 1932 survive as OJ 11/2, [1]-[3].
- Eva Marx & Gerlinde Haas, eds., Österreichische Komponistinnen vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart: Biographie, Werk und Bibliographie: Ein Lexikon (Salzburg: Residenz Verlag, 2001), pp. 139-43
- Erich H. Müller, ed., Deutsches Musiker-Lexikon (Dresden: W. Limpert, 1929)
- Martin Eybl