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Mother of Schenker's pupil and friend Robert Brünauer. Prior to January 1918, she had been a pupil of Marianne Kahn.

Camilla Brünauer was the wife of Jacob (Jacques) Brünauer, chocolate manufacturer, and partner in the firm with her husband from 1900, and from 1916 with her son.

See Brünauer family.

Camilla Brünauer and Schenker

Camilla is mentioned a number times in Schenker's diary, and there are records of correspondence sent and received, though none is known to survive. As a representative of the commercial world, she was regarded by Schenker as money-minded. On one occasion, she had asked Schenker for lessons and he had responded defensively, to which she replied: "From Mama Brünauer (letter): declares herself prepared to invite us both [Heinrich and Jeanette were not yet married], and is also in a position to let us participate in the meal despite the war, regrets finally that I cannot spare her one to two lessons on account of work." (OJ 2/5, pp. 554-555, December 29, 1916). It is she who made the telling remark to Marianne Kahn, which Schenker quoted in his diary: "Your pupils surely provide for you during these days, don't they?" (OJ 2/10 p. 832, January 23, 1918).


  • Marko Deisinger