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  • Sturmabteilung
  • SA
  • Braunhemden
  • Brownshirts
  • Stormtrooper


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  • OJ 5/7a, [46] (formerly vC 46) Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cube, dated May 14, 1933

    Schenker disagrees with Cube's assertion in OJ 9/34, [37], that the Urlinie of the theme of Beethoven, Op. 26, first movement, was a third-progression, not a fifth-progression, giving graphic proofs and explaining Cube's misuse of the neighbor note. Hitler has done "historical service" in getting rid of Marxism; someone is needed to get rid of musical Marxists; Schenker has created the tools. He provides background to Moriz Violin's departure from Hamburg, reports on Jonas, Weisse, and Oppel, and inquires whether Cube has heard from Furtwängler.