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Monthly magazine published by Leykam in Graz, founded by Peter Rosegger in 1876 and edited by him until his death in 1918. Thereafter, the editorship was taken over by Rosegger's son, Hans Ludwig, by Josef Friedrich Perkonig, and others. The magazine ceased publication in 1935.

Heimgarten specialized particularly in folk-style and dialect poetry. Contributors included Robert Hamerling, Ludwig Anzengruber, Friedrich Schlögl and Hans Grasberger. From 1876 on, Rosegger published his own works in Heimgarten.

Heimgarten and Schenker

In September 1914 Bernhard Paumgartner reviewed Schenker's monograph Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie in Heimgarten, a clipping of which is preserved in Schenker's scrapbook (OC 2/p. 45). Evidently Hans Weisse had sent it to Schenker (OJ 15/16, [24]), and from at least that time onward, as Schenker's diaries attest, the journal formed part of Schenker's regular reading.


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