WSLB-Hds 94475 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Seligmann, undated [probably early July
Schenker asks Seligmann to read an essay on Byron’s Manfred and, if he thinks
it worthy of publication, to send a letter of reference to one or other Viennese newspaper.
He also expresses his satisfaction at how his career is shaping: he has requested and
received generous fees for the editions he has prepared for Universal Edition, and his
theoretical writings for Cotta are also moving along.
OJ 5/38, [1] Handwritten letter from Heinrich Schenker and Jeanette Kornfeld to Wilhelm Schenker,
dated January 24, 1918
Heinrich comments on the attack of the mumps, from which Wilhelm's children are
suffering. Heinrich encourages Wilhelm and his family to move from Kautzen permanently, and in
that connection will investigate the cost of having Julia Schenker's body moved from Waidhofen
to Vienna for burial with the cooperation of the Vienna Kultusgemeinde. He envisions purchasing
burial plots for Jeanette and himself adjacent to Julia's grave. He thanks Dodi for her
invitation to stay with them if Vienna becomes intolerable.
OJ 8/3, [58] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated April 13, 1918
Schenker reports on Kufferath's article in the Gazette de Lausanne discussing the
polemical materials in Die letzten fünf Sonaten ... op. 111, and on the treasonous stance of the
OJ 6/6, [8] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated November 9, 1918
Schenker reports news from Russia, Austria, Switzerland, and Poland, and comments
on the current political situation.
DLA 69.930/10 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated September 25, 1922
Acknowledges OJ 11/35, 20 and composition; expects to be able to comment on
Halm's Klavierübung in Tonwille 4; reports Leipzig University's decision not to appoint him;
speculates on the impact of Kontrapunkt 2 and Der freie Satz; public difficulty in accepting
Urgesetze. — Aristide Briand: The importance of being well-read on a topic before commenting in
public: Schoenberg and Reger; newspapers. — Maximilian Harden: although faithful to Schenker,
Harden had not mastered the topics on which he wrote. — National Govenment: Schenker's
publishing plans, including "The Future of Humanity": man's anthropomorphic thinking is a
delusion, he needs to adapt to nature, to return to a primitive state, to abandon "development"
and "progress" and return to primordial laws; inferior man wants to "govern" (bowel wants to
become brain); Schenker deplores "artifice" (French) as against nature (German). — Things
French: praises German superiority over French in its joy of work. — Higher Plane: the German
should not abase himself before the Frenchman.