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OJ 11/42, [21] Handwritten letter from Maximilian Harden to Schenker, dated November 24, 1894
Harden encourages Schenker to write articles on the string quartet and on [Johann] Strauß and Humperdinck, but not on Brahms. — He explains why he lost his temper with Schenker in an earlier letter (see OJ 11/42, [19]). — He urges Schenker to procure some corresondence between Rosenthal and Rubenstein for publication in Die Zukunft; and he casts aspersion on Die Zeit.
OJ 11/42, [A] Handwritten letter from Maximilian Harden to Schenker, undated [probably October or November 1894]
Harden casts aspersions on Hermann Bahr. — Advises that he probably won't have room to publish one of Schenker's articles, but requests that Schenker send it for his review.