New York Public Library, Performing Arts Library, Music Division
New York, USADocuments associated with this entity:
Felix Salzer Papers
This collection, bequeathed to the Library in 2000, holds the papers of Felix Salzer, a pupil of Schenker's who left Austria in 1939 and emigrated to the USA the following year, taught at the David Mannes Music School and subsequently also at Queen's College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. The collection includes a portion of Schenker's papers, notably the latter's notes on the J. S. Bach "Generalbaßbüchlein," his "Von der Stimmführung des Generalbasses," and his commentary on C. P. E. Bach's Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen, and numerous analyses and sketches, including preparatory materials for the projected second volume of Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln. In addition, it holds Salzer's own correspondence with many people, including twenty-seven items from Heinrich Schenker, communications with Jeanette, and correspondence between Hans Weisse and Schenker. The papers were catalogued in 2007, and the catalogue published online.
- Koslovsky, John, ed., Guide to the Felix Salzer Papers (online edition)