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Ende Februar [1916]:
Elias :

Chopin, Prélude Gism, Asd (auch vergl. mit Autogr.) Cm, Bd, endlich Esd; immer genau. Beethoven op. 110, 3. S. 1. Arioso u. Anfang der Fuge. Litaney fortgesetzt; Choral aus dem Weihnachts- {6} oratorium u. dabei Choral-Phantasien u. ähnliche Formen, wozu Lectüre des 1. Chorals aus der Matthäus-Passion No 296, Erk. 1

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007

January-February [1916]:
Elias :

Chopin, Prelude[s] in Gě minor, Aę major (also compared with autograph) C minor, Bę major, finally Eę major; always precise. Beethoven Op. 110, third movement, first Arioso and beginning of the Fugue. [C. P. E. Bach] Litany studied further; chorale from the Christmas {6} Oratorio and in that connection chorale fantasies and similar forms, added to which reading of the first chorale from the St. Matthew Passion No. 296, Erk. 1

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020

Ende Februar [1916]:
Elias :

Chopin, Prélude Gism, Asd (auch vergl. mit Autogr.) Cm, Bd, endlich Esd; immer genau. Beethoven op. 110, 3. S. 1. Arioso u. Anfang der Fuge. Litaney fortgesetzt; Choral aus dem Weihnachts- {6} oratorium u. dabei Choral-Phantasien u. ähnliche Formen, wozu Lectüre des 1. Chorals aus der Matthäus-Passion No 296, Erk. 1

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007

January-February [1916]:
Elias :

Chopin, Prelude[s] in Gě minor, Aę major (also compared with autograph) C minor, Bę major, finally Eę major; always precise. Beethoven Op. 110, third movement, first Arioso and beginning of the Fugue. [C. P. E. Bach] Litany studied further; chorale from the Christmas {6} Oratorio and in that connection chorale fantasies and similar forms, added to which reading of the first chorale from the St. Matthew Passion No. 296, Erk. 1

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020


1 Ludwig Christian Erk, Johann Sebastian Bachs Choralgesänge und geistliche Arien (Leipzig: Peters), Part I (1850), Part II (1865).