19. Bedeckt, 10°.

— An Frieda (Br.): Gratulation. — Nach Tisch: Mercur wegen der Trefferanleihe 1 u. der S. 2.05 an Hesse. — Im Auto zur Post u. zu Prof. Fuchs: „sehr gut“ – im Auto heim. — Ludwig Bednař (wegen eines Geldgebers!?): erzählt von der Mutter Frauliches, Allzufrauliches (Menschliches, Allzumenschliches ist besser gesagt!!), Stückchen von der Steuerbehörde, die mir zu denken geben! — Fahnen [für Der freie Satz] bis S. 46.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

19, cloudy, 10°.

— To Frieda (letter): congratulations. — After lunch: [to the] Mercur on account of the lottery bond, 1 and the 2.05 shillings for Hesse. — By automobile to the post office and to Prof. Fuchs: "very good" – home by automobile. — Ludwig Bednař (on account of a benefactor!?): he speaks about his mother in womanly, all too womanly terms (it would have been better to say "human, all too human"!!); a small piece from the tax authorities, which gives me something to be concerned with! — Galley proofs [for Free Composition ] up to p. 46.

© Translation William Drabkin.

19. Bedeckt, 10°.

— An Frieda (Br.): Gratulation. — Nach Tisch: Mercur wegen der Trefferanleihe 1 u. der S. 2.05 an Hesse. — Im Auto zur Post u. zu Prof. Fuchs: „sehr gut“ – im Auto heim. — Ludwig Bednař (wegen eines Geldgebers!?): erzählt von der Mutter Frauliches, Allzufrauliches (Menschliches, Allzumenschliches ist besser gesagt!!), Stückchen von der Steuerbehörde, die mir zu denken geben! — Fahnen [für Der freie Satz] bis S. 46.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

19, cloudy, 10°.

— To Frieda (letter): congratulations. — After lunch: [to the] Mercur on account of the lottery bond, 1 and the 2.05 shillings for Hesse. — By automobile to the post office and to Prof. Fuchs: "very good" – home by automobile. — Ludwig Bednař (on account of a benefactor!?): he speaks about his mother in womanly, all too womanly terms (it would have been better to say "human, all too human"!!); a small piece from the tax authorities, which gives me something to be concerned with! — Galley proofs [for Free Composition ] up to p. 46.

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 Trefferanleihe: a lottery bond, offered on a subscription basis by the Austrian Federal Government in October 1933 at a rate of interest of 4%; it offered additional profit incentives by taking part in a lottery, and by a cover against loss in value. (AEIOU-Österreich Lexikon online)