4. Juni 1931 Fronleichnahmstag [sic]! Schön.
— Dr. Frühmann erscheint, um persönlich für die Rezension 1 zu danken. Ich gebe ihm die Visitenkarte Mozarts. 2 — Von 12–1h u. von ½5–½6h Ersatzstunden. — Spaziergang mit Lie-Liechen. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
June 4, 1931, Corpus Christi! Fair weather.
— Dr. Frühmann appears, to thank me personally for the review. 1 I give him the Mozart visiting-card. 2 — From 12 to 1 and from 4:30 to 5:30, make-up lessons. — A walk with Lie-Liechen. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
4. Juni 1931 Fronleichnahmstag [sic]! Schön.
— Dr. Frühmann erscheint, um persönlich für die Rezension 1 zu danken. Ich gebe ihm die Visitenkarte Mozarts. 2 — Von 12–1h u. von ½5–½6h Ersatzstunden. — Spaziergang mit Lie-Liechen. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
June 4, 1931, Corpus Christi! Fair weather.
— Dr. Frühmann appears, to thank me personally for the review. 1 I give him the Mozart visiting-card. 2 — From 12 to 1 and from 4:30 to 5:30, make-up lessons. — A walk with Lie-Liechen. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 B[alduin] B[rich]t, "Theater und Kunst. Das Meisterwerk in der Musik," Volks-Zeitung, No. 27326, May 18, 1931, 77th year (No. 137), p. 5; a clipping is preserved in the Schenker Scrapbook (OC 2) on page 82. 2 This was one of the visiting cards that the printers Jahoda & Siegel made for Schenker. It contains a passage from an (apocryphal) Mozart letter that Schenker published and wrote about in his article "Ein verschollener Brief von Mozart und das Geheimnis seines Schaffens," Der Kunstwart 44 (July 1931), pp. 660–66. |