Fl. zu Tisch – untröstlich über die politische Lage, über die Stimmung des Volkes. — {2013} Brief an Frau Freundlich 1 diktiert. — Unser Kaiser dankt ab. 2 — plötzlich gestorben. — Weisse erscheint zur ersten Stunde. — Verpfände Lie-Liechen das Wort, mich in Zeitungen nicht zu vertiefen. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
Fl. to lunch – inconsolable about the political situation, about the mood of the people. — {2013} Letter dictated to Mrs. Freundlich. 1 — Our emperor abdicates. 2 — has died suddenly. — Weisse appears for his first lesson. — I pledge my word to Lie-Liechen that I will not bury myself in newspapers. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
Fl. zu Tisch – untröstlich über die politische Lage, über die Stimmung des Volkes. — {2013} Brief an Frau Freundlich 1 diktiert. — Unser Kaiser dankt ab. 2 — plötzlich gestorben. — Weisse erscheint zur ersten Stunde. — Verpfände Lie-Liechen das Wort, mich in Zeitungen nicht zu vertiefen. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
Fl. to lunch – inconsolable about the political situation, about the mood of the people. — {2013} Letter dictated to Mrs. Freundlich. 1 — Our emperor abdicates. 2 — has died suddenly. — Weisse appears for his first lesson. — I pledge my word to Lie-Liechen that I will not bury myself in newspapers. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
Footnotes1 Presumably Emmy Freundlich 2 Emperor Karl I foregoes all participation in the business of government and goes into exile in Switzerland. |