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20. Sonntag; +2°, Nebel.

[inkblot in left margin, around which JS has written: "Elfenexplosion"] — An Frau Pairamall(Br.): wegen Erhöhung ab Oktober. — Lie-Liechen ersteht 2 kg Fett für 76 Kronen; wieder per kg. um 4 Kr. erhöht. — — Die Restaurateure sagen, an den Speisen verdient man nichts – wollen aber mit „Nichts“ offenbar sagen: nicht so viel als ihre Gier möchte. — Von Floriz(per. K.): will [illeg]uns morgen gegen ½2>h im Caféhaus aufsuchen.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

20 Sunday; +2°, fog.

[inkblot in left margin, around which JS has written: "Elf explosion" ] — To Mrs. Pairamall (letter): concerning the increase [in fee] from October. — Lie-Liechen purchases 2 kg. of lard for 76 Kronen; yet again the price has gone up by 4 Kronen a kg. — — The restaurant owners are saying: there is no money to be made in food – but with their "no money" they obviously mean not as much as their greed would like. — From Floriz (by postcard): he will look for us in the coffee-house tomorrow at about 1:30 pm.

© Translation Ian Bent.

20. Sonntag; +2°, Nebel.

[inkblot in left margin, around which JS has written: "Elfenexplosion"] — An Frau Pairamall(Br.): wegen Erhöhung ab Oktober. — Lie-Liechen ersteht 2 kg Fett für 76 Kronen; wieder per kg. um 4 Kr. erhöht. — — Die Restaurateure sagen, an den Speisen verdient man nichts – wollen aber mit „Nichts“ offenbar sagen: nicht so viel als ihre Gier möchte. — Von Floriz(per. K.): will [illeg]uns morgen gegen ½2>h im Caféhaus aufsuchen.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

20 Sunday; +2°, fog.

[inkblot in left margin, around which JS has written: "Elf explosion" ] — To Mrs. Pairamall (letter): concerning the increase [in fee] from October. — Lie-Liechen purchases 2 kg. of lard for 76 Kronen; yet again the price has gone up by 4 Kronen a kg. — — The restaurant owners are saying: there is no money to be made in food – but with their "no money" they obviously mean not as much as their greed would like. — From Floriz (by postcard): he will look for us in the coffee-house tomorrow at about 1:30 pm.

© Translation Ian Bent.