An die Tante Brief u. Geld für bevorstehende Frankaturen. *An Frau Kaff. *Vorletzte Fahnen der Analyse angelangt. *Abends, gegen 7¼h, ungewöhnlich heftiges u. langandauerndes Gewitter (auch Wolkenbruch), das umso überraschender gekommen, als die Temperatur tagsüber ziemlich niedrig war. *Brief an Rothberger u. Arrangement für Montag. *
© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
To my aunt, letter and money for the imminent postage costs. *To Mrs. Kaff. *Next-to-last set of galley proofs of the analysis received. *In the evening, towards 6:15, an unusually hefty and prolonged thunder storm (also cloudburst), which came all the more surprisingly as the temperature had been rather low during the day. *Letter to Rothberger and arrangement for Monday. *
© Translation William Drabkin. |
An die Tante Brief u. Geld für bevorstehende Frankaturen. *An Frau Kaff. *Vorletzte Fahnen der Analyse angelangt. *Abends, gegen 7¼h, ungewöhnlich heftiges u. langandauerndes Gewitter (auch Wolkenbruch), das umso überraschender gekommen, als die Temperatur tagsüber ziemlich niedrig war. *Brief an Rothberger u. Arrangement für Montag. *
© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
To my aunt, letter and money for the imminent postage costs. *To Mrs. Kaff. *Next-to-last set of galley proofs of the analysis received. *In the evening, towards 6:15, an unusually hefty and prolonged thunder storm (also cloudburst), which came all the more surprisingly as the temperature had been rather low during the day. *Letter to Rothberger and arrangement for Monday. *
© Translation William Drabkin. |