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An die Tante Brief u. Geld für bevorstehende Frankaturen.


An Frau Kaff.


Vorletzte Fahnen der Analyse angelangt.


Abends, gegen 7¼h, ungewöhnlich heftiges u. langandauerndes Gewitter (auch Wolkenbruch), das umso überraschender gekommen, als die Temperatur tagsüber ziemlich niedrig war.


Brief an Rothberger u. Arrangement für Montag.


© Transcription Marko Deisinger.


To my aunt, letter and money for the imminent postage costs.


To Mrs. Kaff.


Next-to-last set of galley proofs of the analysis received.


In the evening, towards 6:15, an unusually hefty and prolonged thunder storm (also cloudburst), which came all the more surprisingly as the temperature had been rather low during the day.


Letter to Rothberger and arrangement for Monday.


© Translation William Drabkin.


An die Tante Brief u. Geld für bevorstehende Frankaturen.


An Frau Kaff.


Vorletzte Fahnen der Analyse angelangt.


Abends, gegen 7¼h, ungewöhnlich heftiges u. langandauerndes Gewitter (auch Wolkenbruch), das umso überraschender gekommen, als die Temperatur tagsüber ziemlich niedrig war.


Brief an Rothberger u. Arrangement für Montag.


© Transcription Marko Deisinger.


To my aunt, letter and money for the imminent postage costs.


To Mrs. Kaff.


Next-to-last set of galley proofs of the analysis received.


In the evening, towards 6:15, an unusually hefty and prolonged thunder storm (also cloudburst), which came all the more surprisingly as the temperature had been rather low during the day.


Letter to Rothberger and arrangement for Monday.


© Translation William Drabkin.