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AntwortOC 52/138 von Hertzka mit Bitte um den Dahms Ausschnitt! 1


Brief v. Hübsch, der sein Urteil erst auf Grund der Akten fällen möchte! 2


{505} 6. I. 14 AntwortWSLB 198 an Hertzka, den Ausschnitt beigelegt! 3


Mittelmann zur 3. Correktur – draussen aber seltenstes Frühlingswetter.


© Transcription Marko Deisinger.


ReplyOC 52/138 from Hertzka, with a request for the Dahms clipping! 1


Letter from Hübsch, who would like to issue his judgement only on the basis of the documents! 2


{505} January 6, 1914. ReplyWSLB 198 to Hertzka, the clipping 3 enclosed!


Mittelmann for the third session of corrections [to Op. 110] – outside, the rarest spring weather.


© Translation William Drabkin.


AntwortOC 52/138 von Hertzka mit Bitte um den Dahms Ausschnitt! 1


Brief v. Hübsch, der sein Urteil erst auf Grund der Akten fällen möchte! 2


{505} 6. I. 14 AntwortWSLB 198 an Hertzka, den Ausschnitt beigelegt! 3


Mittelmann zur 3. Correktur – draussen aber seltenstes Frühlingswetter.


© Transcription Marko Deisinger.


ReplyOC 52/138 from Hertzka, with a request for the Dahms clipping! 1


Letter from Hübsch, who would like to issue his judgement only on the basis of the documents! 2


{505} January 6, 1914. ReplyWSLB 198 to Hertzka, the clipping 3 enclosed!


Mittelmann for the third session of corrections [to Op. 110] – outside, the rarest spring weather.


© Translation William Drabkin.


1 Walter Dahms's review of the Erläuterungsausgabe of Op. 109, "Beethoven Redivivus," Kreuz-Zeitung, December 31, 1913; a clipping was enclosed with WSLB 198, Schenker's letter to Hertzka of January 6, 1914. (It does not appear in Schenker's scrapbook, OC 2.)

2 That is, documents relating to Jeanette's petition for divorce with Emil Kornfeld.

3 Two clippings were enclosed. Walter Dahms's review of the Erläuterungsausgabe of Op. 109, "Beethoven Redivivus," was published in the Kreuz-Zeitung on December 31, 1913. A second clipping, about the newspaper clipping service Klose & Seidel, was also sent with this letter.