4. IV.
AntwortWSLB 151 an Hertzka: Einsendung eines Schlußpassus zur Einführung statt einer Vorrede; 1 Richtigstellung der durch seine eigene [illeg]Renommage verursachten Erinnerung. Definitiver Bruch mit der U.E. steht mir fest vor Augen; II2 tritt in den Vordergrund bei gleichzeitiger Erledigung der Sonaten. *
© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
April 4.
ReplyWSLB 151 to Hertzka: sending of a concluding passage to serve as introduction, instead of a general introduction. 1 Rectification of the recollection that was motivated by his own reputation. Definitive break with UE stands clearly before my eyes; II2 will come into the foreground as soon as I have finished with the sonatas . *
© Translation William Drabkin. |
4. IV.
AntwortWSLB 151 an Hertzka: Einsendung eines Schlußpassus zur Einführung statt einer Vorrede; 1 Richtigstellung der durch seine eigene [illeg]Renommage verursachten Erinnerung. Definitiver Bruch mit der U.E. steht mir fest vor Augen; II2 tritt in den Vordergrund bei gleichzeitiger Erledigung der Sonaten. *
© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
April 4.
ReplyWSLB 151 to Hertzka: sending of a concluding passage to serve as introduction, instead of a general introduction. 1 Rectification of the recollection that was motivated by his own reputation. Definitive break with UE stands clearly before my eyes; II2 will come into the foreground as soon as I have finished with the sonatas . *
© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 Schenker had planned to include, in each volume of his edition of the late Beethoven piano sonatas (the Erläuterungsausgabe), a substantial (and probably polemical) Vorrede (literally, "introductory address"). This diary entry marks the point at which he abandons the plan. |