⇧ 9. 2. „ Elias “ von Mendelssohn 1 entbehrt zum Schaden des Werkes jeglicher Polyphonie u. stellt viellecht den ⇧ künstlerisch wohlerzogenen ⇧ Versuch vor, das „Oratorium“ ⇧ ausschließlich nur ⇧ auf durchaus moderne Arien u. Liedform zu stellen. ⇧ ‒ ⇧ — Habe von Napoleon u. Josephine geträumt. © Transcription Ian Bent. |
⇧ February 9 Mendelssohn's Elijah 1 ‒ to the detriment of the work ‒ eschews any polyphony and represents perhaps an ⇧ artistically well-mannered ⇧ attempt to put the "oratorio" ⇧ exclusively ⇧ on a basis of thoroughly modern arias and songform. ⇧ ‒ ⇧ — I dreamed of Napoleon and Josephine. © Translation Ian Bent. |
⇧ 9. 2. „ Elias “ von Mendelssohn 1 entbehrt zum Schaden des Werkes jeglicher Polyphonie u. stellt viellecht den ⇧ künstlerisch wohlerzogenen ⇧ Versuch vor, das „Oratorium“ ⇧ ausschließlich nur ⇧ auf durchaus moderne Arien u. Liedform zu stellen. ⇧ ‒ ⇧ — Habe von Napoleon u. Josephine geträumt. © Transcription Ian Bent. |
⇧ February 9 Mendelssohn's Elijah 1 ‒ to the detriment of the work ‒ eschews any polyphony and represents perhaps an ⇧ artistically well-mannered ⇧ attempt to put the "oratorio" ⇧ exclusively ⇧ on a basis of thoroughly modern arias and songform. ⇧ ‒ ⇧ — I dreamed of Napoleon and Josephine. © Translation Ian Bent. |
Footnotes1 The third subscription concert of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, comprising a performance of Mendelssohn's Elijah, took place on February 11 in the large hall of the Musikverein Building, with the final rehearsal on February 9, which Schenker presumably attended. Contrary to what Schenker says, there are numerous fugues and fugatos in Elijah. |