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WSLB 95 - Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated January 28, 1912
Anbei Bg. 7 u. 5–6 (II Korr.). 2 Im Grunde wäre letzteren Bg. schon jetzt das Inprimatur zu geben möglich, wenn nicht die Druckerei das letzte Blatt des 4. Bogens neuerdings † als erstes Blatt des 5 Bg., also doppelt (S. 63–66!) gesetzt u. paginiert hätte!! 3 Die Paginierung u. Umbrechung der Bg. 5 u. 6 müssen daher geändert werden. Wie so aus der Druckerei nur passieren konnte! Mitte dieser Woche erhalten Sie Bg. 8, 4 womit der schwierige Teil des Werkes zu Ende ist. [overwritten across para. 3, valediction and signature in crayon:] ⇧ Erl / 29/I © Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2022 |
Enclosed are gatherings 7, and 5–6 (second proof). 2 In principle, it would be possible to grant the imprimatur right away to the latter gatherings had not the printers set and paginated the last leaf of gathering 4 for a second time † as the first page of gathering 5, thus twice (pp.63–66)!! 3 The pagination and page-makeup of gatherings 5 and 6 must therefore be changed. How on earth could it have been released from the printers in that state! You will receive gathering 8 in the middle of this week, 4 at which point the difficult part of the work is over. [overwritten across para. 3, valediction and signature in crayon:] ⇧ Dealt with / January 29 © Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2022 |
Anbei Bg. 7 u. 5–6 (II Korr.). 2 Im Grunde wäre letzteren Bg. schon jetzt das Inprimatur zu geben möglich, wenn nicht die Druckerei das letzte Blatt des 4. Bogens neuerdings † als erstes Blatt des 5 Bg., also doppelt (S. 63–66!) gesetzt u. paginiert hätte!! 3 Die Paginierung u. Umbrechung der Bg. 5 u. 6 müssen daher geändert werden. Wie so aus der Druckerei nur passieren konnte! Mitte dieser Woche erhalten Sie Bg. 8, 4 womit der schwierige Teil des Werkes zu Ende ist. [overwritten across para. 3, valediction and signature in crayon:] ⇧ Erl / 29/I © Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2022 |
Enclosed are gatherings 7, and 5–6 (second proof). 2 In principle, it would be possible to grant the imprimatur right away to the latter gatherings had not the printers set and paginated the last leaf of gathering 4 for a second time † as the first page of gathering 5, thus twice (pp.63–66)!! 3 The pagination and page-makeup of gatherings 5 and 6 must therefore be changed. How on earth could it have been released from the printers in that state! You will receive gathering 8 in the middle of this week, 4 at which point the difficult part of the work is over. [overwritten across para. 3, valediction and signature in crayon:] ⇧ Dealt with / January 29 © Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2022 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this letter is not recorded in Schenker’s diary. 2 The gatherings referred to are those of Schenker's Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie ; gathering 7 = pp. 97–112 [Eng. transl., 114‒19]; gathering 5 = pp. 65–80; gathering 6 = pp. 81–96 [81‒93, 93‒106]. Schenker's lessonbook for January 28, 1912 records: "Correkturen Bg. 7" ("Correcting proofs of gathering 7"); his diary for the same day (p. 199) records: "Correkturen des 7. Bogens" ("Correcting of the seventh gathering"). 3 Pages 63–64 are the last leaf of gathering 4, and pp. 65–66 the first leaf of gathering 5; thus pp. 63–64 have been repeated as pp. 65–66, and subsequent numbers shunted up by two. 4 Gathering 8 = pp. 113–128 [Eng. transl., 120‒32]; January 28, 1912 was a Sunday. See WSLB 96, February 3, 1912. |
Format† Double underlined |
Digital version created: 2022-06-27 |