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WSLB 423 - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to UE, dated November 11, 1930
⇧ Postkarte [small picture, caption: Panorama v. d. Gaisbergspitze, Salzburg] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker III., Keilgasse 8 An die „Universal-Edition“ Wien I Karlsplatz 6 [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 11. XI. 30. 18 | * [illeg] * || {verso} An die „ Universal-Edition “ 1 Wien, I Gern bestätige ich hiermit, daß ich „der freien Kieler Studentenschaft“ meine Zustimmung zum Abdruck des Aufsatzes „Von der Sendung des deutschen Genies“ gegeben habe. 2 Hoffentlich erklären auch Sie sich einverstanden, wofür zu danken bereit wäre Ihr sehr ergebener [signed:] H Schenker 11. 11. 30 [UE date stamp, to left of salutations:] ⇧ eingegangen: 13. Nov. 1930 beantwortet: [left margin, left of paragraph: ] ⇧ [illeg] © Transcription Ian Bent, 2012 |
⇧ Postcard [small picture, caption: Panorama of the Gaisbergspitze, Salzburg] [From:] ⇧ Schenker, [Vienna] III, Keilgasse 8 To Universal Edition, Vienna I, Karlsplatz 6 [postmark:] || 3 VIENNA 40 | 11. XI. 30. 18 | * [illeg] * || {verso} To Universal Edition 1 Vienna I I am pleased to confirm herewith that I have given "The Free Student Body of Kiel" my consent to the reprinting of my article "The Mission of German Genius." 2 I hope you will declare yourself in agreement, too, for which would be grateful Yours very truly, [signed:] H. Schenker November 11, 1930 [UE date stamp, to left of salutations:] ⇧ received: 13. Nov. 1930 answered: [left margin, left of paragraph: ] ⇧ [illeg] © Translation Ian Bent, 2012 |
⇧ Postkarte [small picture, caption: Panorama v. d. Gaisbergspitze, Salzburg] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker III., Keilgasse 8 An die „Universal-Edition“ Wien I Karlsplatz 6 [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 11. XI. 30. 18 | * [illeg] * || {verso} An die „ Universal-Edition “ 1 Wien, I Gern bestätige ich hiermit, daß ich „der freien Kieler Studentenschaft“ meine Zustimmung zum Abdruck des Aufsatzes „Von der Sendung des deutschen Genies“ gegeben habe. 2 Hoffentlich erklären auch Sie sich einverstanden, wofür zu danken bereit wäre Ihr sehr ergebener [signed:] H Schenker 11. 11. 30 [UE date stamp, to left of salutations:] ⇧ eingegangen: 13. Nov. 1930 beantwortet: [left margin, left of paragraph: ] ⇧ [illeg] © Transcription Ian Bent, 2012 |
⇧ Postcard [small picture, caption: Panorama of the Gaisbergspitze, Salzburg] [From:] ⇧ Schenker, [Vienna] III, Keilgasse 8 To Universal Edition, Vienna I, Karlsplatz 6 [postmark:] || 3 VIENNA 40 | 11. XI. 30. 18 | * [illeg] * || {verso} To Universal Edition 1 Vienna I I am pleased to confirm herewith that I have given "The Free Student Body of Kiel" my consent to the reprinting of my article "The Mission of German Genius." 2 I hope you will declare yourself in agreement, too, for which would be grateful Yours very truly, [signed:] H. Schenker November 11, 1930 [UE date stamp, to left of salutations:] ⇧ received: 13. Nov. 1930 answered: [left margin, left of paragraph: ] ⇧ [illeg] © Translation Ian Bent, 2012 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/4, p. 3538, November 11, 1930: "An die U.-E. (K.): bestätige u. stimme zu." ("To UE (postcard): I confim and give my consent."). 2 This is recorded in the invoice OC 52/862, October 10, 1930. See also OC 52/864 and 868. The intention was to reprint it in the student newspaper of the Kiel Music Conservatory. |
Digital version created: 2012-12-03 |