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OJ 8/4, [51] - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated October 5, 1927
[printed:] ⇧ Postkarte [top-left, picture captioned: Maria Wörth, Kärnten] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker Wien, III. Keilgasse 8 [An:] H Prof. M. Violin Hamburg Immenhof 27 Deutschland [postmark:] || 1[?] WIEN 1[?] | [illeg] | 22-23 | * 4b[?] * || [for continuation of message from verso, see below] {verso} 5. 10. 27 Fl! 1 Wie geht es bei dir, im Allgemeinen u. Besonderen? Ich habe noch folgendes nachzuholen: Im Sommer besuchte mich ein ehemaliger Schüler, nun Lehrer am Konservat. in Duisburg (a. Rh.) Auch er hatte einen Weg zu Dr S. in Frankf. als altem Bekannten der Familie u. zw. in einer ähnlichen Angelegenheit. Ich trug ihm also auf, sich wegen des Eröffnungsdatums zu erkündigen. Die Nachricht lautete, das die Hochschule eine Umwandlung des bestehenden Konserv. sein wird, sonst schrieb der junger Herr gar nichts; ob daran ein[e] ungeschickte Gesprächsführung schuld ist, oder Unkenntnis bei Dr S. weiß {recto} ich nicht. 2 Wie weit bist du damit? — 3 Das Jb. II ist fertig u. dürfte bald in deinen Hände sein. H. Schmid (Hamburg) fragte mich u. erhielt Ausknuft. © Transcription William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postcard [top-left, picture captioned: Maria Wörth, Carinthia] [Sender:] ⇧ Schenker Vienna, III. Keilgasse 8 [To:] Prof. M. Violin Hamburg Immenhof 27 Germany [postmark:] || 1[?] WIEN 1[?] | [illeg] | 22-23 | * 4b[?] * || [for continuation of message from verso, see below] {verso} October 5, 1927 Floriz! 1 How are things with you, in general and in particular? I have the following to report to you: a former pupil, now teacher at the conservatory in Duisburg (on the Rhein), visited me during the summer. He, too, has a pathway to Dr. Simon in Frankfurt, who is an old friend of his family, and indeed in a similar manner. And so I asked him to find out about the opening date. The news received was that the Hochschule will be a transformation of the existing conservatory. Other than that, the young man said nothing at all: whether this is to an inadequate conversation technique on his part, or lack of knowledge on the part of Dr. Simon, is something that I do not know. 2 {recto} How far have you got with the matter? 3 The second Yearbook is finished and ought to be in your hands soon. Mr. Schmid (Hamburg) asked me and received information. From me and Lie-Liechen to all of you, most affectionate greetings and best wishes for the new teaching year. Your [signed:] Heinrich © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postkarte [top-left, picture captioned: Maria Wörth, Kärnten] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker Wien, III. Keilgasse 8 [An:] H Prof. M. Violin Hamburg Immenhof 27 Deutschland [postmark:] || 1[?] WIEN 1[?] | [illeg] | 22-23 | * 4b[?] * || [for continuation of message from verso, see below] {verso} 5. 10. 27 Fl! 1 Wie geht es bei dir, im Allgemeinen u. Besonderen? Ich habe noch folgendes nachzuholen: Im Sommer besuchte mich ein ehemaliger Schüler, nun Lehrer am Konservat. in Duisburg (a. Rh.) Auch er hatte einen Weg zu Dr S. in Frankf. als altem Bekannten der Familie u. zw. in einer ähnlichen Angelegenheit. Ich trug ihm also auf, sich wegen des Eröffnungsdatums zu erkündigen. Die Nachricht lautete, das die Hochschule eine Umwandlung des bestehenden Konserv. sein wird, sonst schrieb der junger Herr gar nichts; ob daran ein[e] ungeschickte Gesprächsführung schuld ist, oder Unkenntnis bei Dr S. weiß {recto} ich nicht. 2 Wie weit bist du damit? — 3 Das Jb. II ist fertig u. dürfte bald in deinen Hände sein. H. Schmid (Hamburg) fragte mich u. erhielt Ausknuft. © Transcription William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postcard [top-left, picture captioned: Maria Wörth, Carinthia] [Sender:] ⇧ Schenker Vienna, III. Keilgasse 8 [To:] Prof. M. Violin Hamburg Immenhof 27 Germany [postmark:] || 1[?] WIEN 1[?] | [illeg] | 22-23 | * 4b[?] * || [for continuation of message from verso, see below] {verso} October 5, 1927 Floriz! 1 How are things with you, in general and in particular? I have the following to report to you: a former pupil, now teacher at the conservatory in Duisburg (on the Rhein), visited me during the summer. He, too, has a pathway to Dr. Simon in Frankfurt, who is an old friend of his family, and indeed in a similar manner. And so I asked him to find out about the opening date. The news received was that the Hochschule will be a transformation of the existing conservatory. Other than that, the young man said nothing at all: whether this is to an inadequate conversation technique on his part, or lack of knowledge on the part of Dr. Simon, is something that I do not know. 2 {recto} How far have you got with the matter? 3 The second Yearbook is finished and ought to be in your hands soon. Mr. Schmid (Hamburg) asked me and received information. From me and Lie-Liechen to all of you, most affectionate greetings and best wishes for the new teaching year. Your [signed:] Heinrich © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/1, p. 3118 (October 5, 1927): "An Fl. (K.): berichte nach Cube über die Umwandlung des Hoch’schen Conservatoriumsin eine Hochschule." ("To Floriz (postcard): I report what I learned from Cube concerning the upgrading of the Hoch Conservatory to a music Hochschule.") 2 No written record survives of this exchange. Schenker's diary (OJ 3/9, p. 3106, records receipt of a picture postcard, presumed lost, in which Cube says he could learn nothing from Dr. Simon; this is alluded to in Schenker's reply of September 7, 1927 (OJ 5/7a, [11]). 3 No paragraph-break in source. |
Digital version created: 2013-07-04 |