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OJ 6/3, [11] - Handwritten letter with envelope from Schenker to Moriz Violin, postmarked January 27, 1900
[envelope:] {recto} ⇧ Herrn Floriz Violin VI. Gumpendorferstr. 124 [postmark:] || 27 1 00 | 1/1 WIEN 1 | 11-12 N || {verso} ⇧ Dr. H Schenker III Richardg. 11 1 [letter:] [undated] ⇧ Floriz! 2 Ich verbiete dir, von nun an zu behaupten, du u. ich, d.h. wir Beide hätten schlecht gespielt. Wir dürfen doch nicht jeder Meinung sofort erliegen. Es ist nicht wahr. Ich plappere dir nach, {2} wenn du es sagst, aber, da wir es allemal anders spielen, können wir nicht behaupten, wir hätten Schuld. Vor allem war es ein Achtungserfolg, zweitens mitsind Composition u. Publikum fremd gegenüber gestanden. Also erzähle nichts mehr u. führe mich {3} nicht in der „Voruntersuchung“. Ich werde von nun an steif u. fest behaupten, wir haben glänzend gespielt. Sollen’s Andere besser spielen! Möchtest du nicht morgen Sonntag 3 Tr[isch]ak 4 spielen, nach dem Ausschlafen. Das schreibe ich {4} von einem Gewissensbiss gequält in Erinnerung an unsere gottlosen Geschwätze vom Nachmittag. Es ist 89 Uhr Abends. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2022 |
[envelope:] {recto} ⇧ Mr. Floriz Violin [Vienna] VI, Gumpendorferstrasse 124 [postmark:] || 27 1 00 | 1/1 VIENNA 1 | 11-12 p.m. || {verso} ⇧ Dr. H. Schenker [Vienna] III, Richardgasse 11 1 [letter:] [undated] ⇧ Floriz, 2 I forbid you, from now on, to declare that you and I – that is, the two of us – played badly. We ought emphatically not to fall victim instantly to every opinion. It is not true. I repeat [it] to you parrot-fashion {2} when you say it, but since we play (it) differently every time, we cannot declare that we were guilty. First of all, it was a succès d’estime; secondly, composition and audience are on opposite sides. So I will say no more, and will take no part {3} in this “autopsy.” I will from now on resolutely profess that we have played brilliantly. Let others play better! Would you not like to play Trischak 4 tomorrow, Sunday, 3 after having a lie-in? I write this {4} stung by remorse at the memory of our godless, idle chatter this afternoon. It is 89 o’clock in the evening. © Translation Ian Bent, 2022 |
[envelope:] {recto} ⇧ Herrn Floriz Violin VI. Gumpendorferstr. 124 [postmark:] || 27 1 00 | 1/1 WIEN 1 | 11-12 N || {verso} ⇧ Dr. H Schenker III Richardg. 11 1 [letter:] [undated] ⇧ Floriz! 2 Ich verbiete dir, von nun an zu behaupten, du u. ich, d.h. wir Beide hätten schlecht gespielt. Wir dürfen doch nicht jeder Meinung sofort erliegen. Es ist nicht wahr. Ich plappere dir nach, {2} wenn du es sagst, aber, da wir es allemal anders spielen, können wir nicht behaupten, wir hätten Schuld. Vor allem war es ein Achtungserfolg, zweitens mitsind Composition u. Publikum fremd gegenüber gestanden. Also erzähle nichts mehr u. führe mich {3} nicht in der „Voruntersuchung“. Ich werde von nun an steif u. fest behaupten, wir haben glänzend gespielt. Sollen’s Andere besser spielen! Möchtest du nicht morgen Sonntag 3 Tr[isch]ak 4 spielen, nach dem Ausschlafen. Das schreibe ich {4} von einem Gewissensbiss gequält in Erinnerung an unsere gottlosen Geschwätze vom Nachmittag. Es ist 89 Uhr Abends. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2022 |
[envelope:] {recto} ⇧ Mr. Floriz Violin [Vienna] VI, Gumpendorferstrasse 124 [postmark:] || 27 1 00 | 1/1 VIENNA 1 | 11-12 p.m. || {verso} ⇧ Dr. H. Schenker [Vienna] III, Richardgasse 11 1 [letter:] [undated] ⇧ Floriz, 2 I forbid you, from now on, to declare that you and I – that is, the two of us – played badly. We ought emphatically not to fall victim instantly to every opinion. It is not true. I repeat [it] to you parrot-fashion {2} when you say it, but since we play (it) differently every time, we cannot declare that we were guilty. First of all, it was a succès d’estime; secondly, composition and audience are on opposite sides. So I will say no more, and will take no part {3} in this “autopsy.” I will from now on resolutely profess that we have played brilliantly. Let others play better! Would you not like to play Trischak 4 tomorrow, Sunday, 3 after having a lie-in? I write this {4} stung by remorse at the memory of our godless, idle chatter this afternoon. It is 89 o’clock in the evening. © Translation Ian Bent, 2022 |
Footnotes1 Schenker resided at Richardgasse 11 from approximately May 1897 to June 1900. 2 Schenker and Violin gave the first performance of Schenker’s piano duet Syrische Tänze on January 26, 1900. The envelope is dated the following morning. The letter, although undated, seems a likely match for the circumstances; moreover, the envelope and letter are adjacent in the folder. 3 January 27, 1900 was a Saturday, hence the 28th was a Sunday: this conforms with the editorially assigned date for the letter. Note that the letter was franked by the postal service “11–12 p.m.” and Schenker expected it to be delivered the next morning. 4 Trischak: a traditional Austrian and German three-card game for three to five players, involving gambling. (wikipedia “Trischaken (card game).” My thanks to Lee Rothfarb for identifying this. |
Digital version created: 2022-09-12 |