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Hamburg, 25. Februar 29.

Liebster H.! 1

Nach einer schicksalsgeballten Zeit, wende ich mich wieder an Dich, aktuell angeeifert durch einen Wiener, der mir erzählte, das die Kälte so schwere Wirtschaftsfolgen schuf. Habt Ihr die Zeit unter göttlicher Gnade gestanden? Gesund??? 2

Ich selbst bin so herunter, daß mich mein Schwager auf 4 Wochen zur Erholung mitnehmen will. Ich kann aber nur 16 Tage ausbleiben, weil ich den Entgang nicht verschmerzen könnte u. diese 16 Tage in die Osterferien fallen u. da habe ich in der Schule wenigstens keinen Entgang. Ich habe die ganze Zeit hier niemand gesprochen. Hat Dir Hahnemann geschrieben?

Julo will diesen Sommer uns versorgen. Ein Lichtblick, weil ich da vielleicht Euch sehen kann. Ich habe in letzter Zeit aus Wien allerhand scheußliche Nachrichten bekommen. Ich hoffe Du machst es wett, mit der lieben Botschaft Eurer völligen Gesundheit!!!

Alles Schöne von Uns
an Euch
[signed:] Floriz

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2013

Hamburg, February 25, 1929

Dearest Heinrich, 1

In a time fraught with doom, I turn again to you, motivated this time on by a Viennese who tells me that the cold weather created such adverse effects on the economy. Did the two of you survive this period with God's mercy? In good health??? 2

I am myself feeling so down that my brother-in-law wants to take me away for a four-week period of rest. I can, however, stay away only for sixteen days, as I could not manage to get away [for a longer period]; and these 16 days fall in the Easter holiday period, and I cannot get away during the school session. I have spoken with no one the entire time I have been here. Did Hahnemann write to you?

Julo would like to take care of us this summer. A ray of light, since then I shall perhaps be able to see you. Recently, I have had all sorts of terrible news from Vienna. I hope that hope you will make up for it with a favorable report of your completely good health!!!

All good wishes from us
to the two of you
[signed:] Floriz

© Translation William Drabkin, 2013

Hamburg, 25. Februar 29.

Liebster H.! 1

Nach einer schicksalsgeballten Zeit, wende ich mich wieder an Dich, aktuell angeeifert durch einen Wiener, der mir erzählte, das die Kälte so schwere Wirtschaftsfolgen schuf. Habt Ihr die Zeit unter göttlicher Gnade gestanden? Gesund??? 2

Ich selbst bin so herunter, daß mich mein Schwager auf 4 Wochen zur Erholung mitnehmen will. Ich kann aber nur 16 Tage ausbleiben, weil ich den Entgang nicht verschmerzen könnte u. diese 16 Tage in die Osterferien fallen u. da habe ich in der Schule wenigstens keinen Entgang. Ich habe die ganze Zeit hier niemand gesprochen. Hat Dir Hahnemann geschrieben?

Julo will diesen Sommer uns versorgen. Ein Lichtblick, weil ich da vielleicht Euch sehen kann. Ich habe in letzter Zeit aus Wien allerhand scheußliche Nachrichten bekommen. Ich hoffe Du machst es wett, mit der lieben Botschaft Eurer völligen Gesundheit!!!

Alles Schöne von Uns
an Euch
[signed:] Floriz

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2013

Hamburg, February 25, 1929

Dearest Heinrich, 1

In a time fraught with doom, I turn again to you, motivated this time on by a Viennese who tells me that the cold weather created such adverse effects on the economy. Did the two of you survive this period with God's mercy? In good health??? 2

I am myself feeling so down that my brother-in-law wants to take me away for a four-week period of rest. I can, however, stay away only for sixteen days, as I could not manage to get away [for a longer period]; and these 16 days fall in the Easter holiday period, and I cannot get away during the school session. I have spoken with no one the entire time I have been here. Did Hahnemann write to you?

Julo would like to take care of us this summer. A ray of light, since then I shall perhaps be able to see you. Recently, I have had all sorts of terrible news from Vienna. I hope that hope you will make up for it with a favorable report of your completely good health!!!

All good wishes from us
to the two of you
[signed:] Floriz

© Translation William Drabkin, 2013


1 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/2, p. 3317 (February 27, 1929): "Von Floriz (Br.): erkundigt sich nach uns, ist selbst krank, Julo u. der andere Schwager nehmen sich seiner an." ("From Floriz (letter): he enquires about us; he is himself unwell, Julo and his other brother-in-law are attending to him.")

2 There had been an extremely cold period during the first half of February, when the temperature dropped as far as -30 degrees Celsius; Schenker records this in his diary on February 11. The second part of the month was marked by demonstrations and conferences on account of a general economic crisis.


1p letter, holograph message and signature
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Moriz Violin, reproduced here by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Moriz Violin, June 25, 2006. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2013-07-24
Last updated: 2013-07-24