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[envelope recto ]

[An:] Frau LieLie Schenker
Wien III
Keilgasse 8
[whole address crossed out]

[postmark:] [twice] || 9/1 WIEN 66 | 19. I. 35 12 | * 4c * ||

[envelope verso ]
[Absender:] KOMORN
Wien. IX Bleichergasse 15


Verehrte gnädige Frau!

Gestatten Sie, dass ich meine mündlich ausgesprochene, wärmste Teilnahme an dem Hingang unseres großen Meisters 1 auf diesem Wege wiederhole. Für wenige Menschen trifft das Wort des Psalmister „wenn unser Leben köstlich gewesen ist, so ist es Mühe und Arbeit gewesen,” 2 so völlig zu wie auf den Heimgegangenen. Von Werk und Tat bis an den Rand erfüllt, durfte dieses Leben {verso} des Geistes und der Güte verlaufen, um nun auszuruhen, unvergessen von Allen, die in sein Bereich traten, fortdauerend in seinem einzigartigen Werke. Gott tröste und stärke Sie und helfe Ihnen, noch all das zu vollbringen, was der Meister Ihnen in Ihre Hände legte.

Mit verehrungsvollen Empfehlungen
Ihre sehr ergebene
[signed:] Maria Komorn

18. 1. 35

© Transcription Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019

[envelope recto ]

[To:] Mrs. LieLie Schenker
Vienna III
Keilgasse 8
[whole address crossed out]

[postmark:] [twice] || 9/1 VIENNA 66 | 19. I. 35 12 | * 4c * ||

[envelope verso ]
[From:] KOMORN
Vienna IX, Bleichergasse 15


Dear, revered Mrs. [Schenker] ,

Permit me to repeat now in this form my warmest condolences, already expressed in person, for the passing of our great Master. 1 The words of the psalmist, "if our life has been delightful, then it has been travail and work," 2 apply to few people as fittingly as they do to the departed. Filled to the brim with work and deed, this life of {verso} spirit and goodness was allowed to run its course in order to rest now, unforgotten by all who stepped into his domain, lasting in his unparalleled work. May God comfort and strengthen you, and help you to achieve all that the Master entrusted to your hands.

With admiring regards,
Your very devoted
[signed:] Maria Komorn

January 18, 1935

© Translation Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019

[envelope recto ]

[An:] Frau LieLie Schenker
Wien III
Keilgasse 8
[whole address crossed out]

[postmark:] [twice] || 9/1 WIEN 66 | 19. I. 35 12 | * 4c * ||

[envelope verso ]
[Absender:] KOMORN
Wien. IX Bleichergasse 15


Verehrte gnädige Frau!

Gestatten Sie, dass ich meine mündlich ausgesprochene, wärmste Teilnahme an dem Hingang unseres großen Meisters 1 auf diesem Wege wiederhole. Für wenige Menschen trifft das Wort des Psalmister „wenn unser Leben köstlich gewesen ist, so ist es Mühe und Arbeit gewesen,” 2 so völlig zu wie auf den Heimgegangenen. Von Werk und Tat bis an den Rand erfüllt, durfte dieses Leben {verso} des Geistes und der Güte verlaufen, um nun auszuruhen, unvergessen von Allen, die in sein Bereich traten, fortdauerend in seinem einzigartigen Werke. Gott tröste und stärke Sie und helfe Ihnen, noch all das zu vollbringen, was der Meister Ihnen in Ihre Hände legte.

Mit verehrungsvollen Empfehlungen
Ihre sehr ergebene
[signed:] Maria Komorn

18. 1. 35

© Transcription Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019

[envelope recto ]

[To:] Mrs. LieLie Schenker
Vienna III
Keilgasse 8
[whole address crossed out]

[postmark:] [twice] || 9/1 VIENNA 66 | 19. I. 35 12 | * 4c * ||

[envelope verso ]
[From:] KOMORN
Vienna IX, Bleichergasse 15


Dear, revered Mrs. [Schenker] ,

Permit me to repeat now in this form my warmest condolences, already expressed in person, for the passing of our great Master. 1 The words of the psalmist, "if our life has been delightful, then it has been travail and work," 2 apply to few people as fittingly as they do to the departed. Filled to the brim with work and deed, this life of {verso} spirit and goodness was allowed to run its course in order to rest now, unforgotten by all who stepped into his domain, lasting in his unparalleled work. May God comfort and strengthen you, and help you to achieve all that the Master entrusted to your hands.

With admiring regards,
Your very devoted
[signed:] Maria Komorn

January 18, 1935

© Translation Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019


1 Heinrich Schenker died on January 13, 1935.

2 Psalm 90, vs. 10. Komorn is not quoting from the Luther Bible, which reads: "Unser Leben währet siebzig Jahre, und wenn's hoch kommt, so sind's achtzig Jahre, und was daran köstlich scheint, ist doch nur vergebliche Mühe, denn es fähret schnell dahin, als flögen wir davon." The King James Bible, made from the Latin Vulgate, renders this: "The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."


2p note, deckled edge, recto-verso, holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature; envelope: holograph recipient address recto, stamped sender address, verso.
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs and representatives of Maria Komorn; deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable efforts have been made to trace the heirs or representatives of Maria Komorn. The document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to Schenker Documents Online, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2019-02-12
Last updated: 2011-03-05