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An: H. Herrn [sic] Dr Heinrich Schenker
in Wien III
Keilgasse 8.

[postmark:] || TA3 WIEN [?125] | 30.V.22 12 | R/a ||
[Correction to postmark: ] 128


Sehr verehrter Herr Dr , 1

nicht nach de[r Jause] 2 sondern zum Tee um ½ 5 bitten wir Sie zu kommen. 3 Wir freuen uns sehr, Handkuss Ihrer Gattin,

ich bin Ihr aufrichtig erg.
[signed:] Victor Hammer

© Transcription Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2016


To: Dr. Heinrich Schenker
in Vienna III
Keilgasse 8

[postmark:] || TA3 VIENNA [?125] | 30.V.22 12 | R/a ||
[Correction to postmark: ] 128


Greatly revered Dr. [Schenker], 1

Please come not after [teatime] 2 but rather for tea at 4:30. 3 We are very much looking forward. A kiss on the hand of your wife,

I am your sincerely devoted
[signed:] Victor Hammer

© Translation Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2016


An: H. Herrn [sic] Dr Heinrich Schenker
in Wien III
Keilgasse 8.

[postmark:] || TA3 WIEN [?125] | 30.V.22 12 | R/a ||
[Correction to postmark: ] 128


Sehr verehrter Herr Dr , 1

nicht nach de[r Jause] 2 sondern zum Tee um ½ 5 bitten wir Sie zu kommen. 3 Wir freuen uns sehr, Handkuss Ihrer Gattin,

ich bin Ihr aufrichtig erg.
[signed:] Victor Hammer

© Transcription Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2016


To: Dr. Heinrich Schenker
in Vienna III
Keilgasse 8

[postmark:] || TA3 VIENNA [?125] | 30.V.22 12 | R/a ||
[Correction to postmark: ] 128


Greatly revered Dr. [Schenker], 1

Please come not after [teatime] 2 but rather for tea at 4:30. 3 We are very much looking forward. A kiss on the hand of your wife,

I am your sincerely devoted
[signed:] Victor Hammer

© Translation Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2016


1 Receipt of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary. "R/a" in the postmark indicates that the item was sent by registered mail.

2 The top right corner of the postcard is missing. In his postcard of acceptance, Schenker had said: "Nach der Jause nach ½5, erscheinen wir pünktlich." ("We will arrive punctually after teatime, at 4.30.") (JOB 94-3, [3], May 29, 1922).

3 Schenker describes the visit in his diary at OJ 3/3, p. 2434, May 31, 1922: "Bei Hammer zur Jause, von 5–8h; zeigt Bilder, seine Schrift; spricht über die Urlinie – verurteilt meine Polemik, billigt sie aber zugleich." ("At Hammer's for teatime, from 5:00–8:00; he shows [us] pictures, his monograph; talks about the Urlinie – condemns my polemics but simultaneously approves of it.").


printed postcard, one corner torn off, holograph recipient address recto, holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs and representatives of Viktor Hammer
Permission to publish granted by the executor of the estate of Carolyn Reading Hammer October 14, 2013. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence (at) mus (dot) cam (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2016-08-15
Last updated: 2011-02-12