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zur penumatischen Expressbeförderung. [etc]

An Hochwohlgb. Herren Dr. Hugo [sic] Schenker
Tonkünstler, etc. etc. etc.
in Wien
Reisnerstr. 37 38

[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | 10V 29 [illeg] | [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | 1030 A29.XI02 | * 15 * ||
[postmark:] || WIEN 9/4 | 1130V 29 XI02 | * 49 * ||

{2} Adr. IV. Paniglg. 1
Samstg Früh

Hochgeehrter Herr Doctor! 1

Meine Frau und ich, wir würden uns sehr freuen , Sie Dienstag zum 5 Uhr-Thee bei uns zu sehen. Ganz kleiner Kreis keinerlei Kleiderzwang. Ein junger schwedischer Kunstgelehrter Osw. Siren 2 wird da sein.

Herzlich grüssend, bittet um Antwort Ihr
hochachtungsvollst ergeb[ener]
[signed:] Dr. Frimmel

© Transcription Heribert Esser, 2019

for pneumatic express delivery [etc]

To: Dr. Hugo [sic] Schenker, Esq.
Musician, etc., etc., etc.
in Vienna
Reisnerstrasse 37 38

[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | 10V 29 [illeg] | [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | 1030 A29.XI02 | * 15 * ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA 9/4 | 1130V 29 XI02 | * 49 * ||

{2} Address: [Vienna] IV, Paniglgasse 1
Saturday morning

Very dear Dr. [Schenker], 1

My wife and I would enjoy very much having you join us Tuesday for 5-o'clock tea. A very small circle without any dress code. A young Swedish art scholar, Oswald Sirén, 2 will be here.

Greeting you cordially, and most respectfully requesting
your response, I remain your devoted
[signed:] Dr. Frimmel

© Translation John Rothgeb, 2019

zur penumatischen Expressbeförderung. [etc]

An Hochwohlgb. Herren Dr. Hugo [sic] Schenker
Tonkünstler, etc. etc. etc.
in Wien
Reisnerstr. 37 38

[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | 10V 29 [illeg] | [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | 1030 A29.XI02 | * 15 * ||
[postmark:] || WIEN 9/4 | 1130V 29 XI02 | * 49 * ||

{2} Adr. IV. Paniglg. 1
Samstg Früh

Hochgeehrter Herr Doctor! 1

Meine Frau und ich, wir würden uns sehr freuen , Sie Dienstag zum 5 Uhr-Thee bei uns zu sehen. Ganz kleiner Kreis keinerlei Kleiderzwang. Ein junger schwedischer Kunstgelehrter Osw. Siren 2 wird da sein.

Herzlich grüssend, bittet um Antwort Ihr
hochachtungsvollst ergeb[ener]
[signed:] Dr. Frimmel

© Transcription Heribert Esser, 2019

for pneumatic express delivery [etc]

To: Dr. Hugo [sic] Schenker, Esq.
Musician, etc., etc., etc.
in Vienna
Reisnerstrasse 37 38

[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | 10V 29 [illeg] | [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | 1030 A29.XI02 | * 15 * ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA 9/4 | 1130V 29 XI02 | * 49 * ||

{2} Address: [Vienna] IV, Paniglgasse 1
Saturday morning

Very dear Dr. [Schenker], 1

My wife and I would enjoy very much having you join us Tuesday for 5-o'clock tea. A very small circle without any dress code. A young Swedish art scholar, Oswald Sirén, 2 will be here.

Greeting you cordially, and most respectfully requesting
your response, I remain your devoted
[signed:] Dr. Frimmel

© Translation John Rothgeb, 2019


1 References to Frimmel in Schenker's diary occur at November 2 and December 2, 1902, p.9a: "Besuch Dr. Th. v. Frimmels, der seine Schrift „Vom Sehen in der Kunstwissenschaft“ mitbringt. [...] Bei Frimmel’s zu einem Theeabend." ("Visit from Dr. Theodore von Frimmel, who brings with him his book Perception in the Study of Art. [...] At Frimmel's place for a tea evening.")

2 Osvald Siren (1897‒1966), Finnish-born Swedish art historian, enjoyed a distinguished career in the field of art history.


printed lettercard: holograph recipient address, recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Beethoven-Haus, Bonn, reproduced here by kind permission
Beethoven-Haus, Bonn, permission kindly granted on July 4, 2019. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.

Digital version created: 2020-07-21
Last updated: 2013-08-29